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C postfix notation library.



$ git clone
$ cd postfix
$ make

make produces the static library libpostfix.a in the folder lib.

API description

The postix library allows to evaluate expressions according to custom rules. The calculations process contains of 2 steps:

  • transform expression from infix to postfix notation
  • calculate expression in postfix notation

The function

int px_parse(px_token_t* infix, px_token_t* postfix, px_prio_t prio);

is used to transform expression from infix notation to postfix notation. The expected infix notation is composed from tokens represented by the type

struct px_token
    px_value_t value;
    int        type;

The field type indicates the type of the token. There are 4 basic types:

  1. PX_TOKEN_TERM -- indicates the end of sequence of tokens
  2. PX_TOKEN_VAR -- indicates the variable or number
  3. PX_TOKEN_LBRC -- indicates the left bracket (
  4. PX_TOKEN_RBRC -- indicates the right bracket )

User can define new token types but they should not overlap the basic types.

The field value contains a token value represented by the type:

union px_value
    bool      b;
    char      c;
    int       i;
    float     f;
    double    d;
    void*     p;
    int8_t    i8;
    int16_t   i16;
    int32_t   i32;
    int64_t   i64;
    px_func_t op;

User can define macro PX_TOKEN_VALUE to extend available types.

The parameter infix should be terminated by the token of type PX_TOKEN_TERM. User is responsible to build the correct array of tokens representing the expression.

The parameter postfix is an empty array which size is enough to store all the tokens of infix except the brackets. User can use the macro PX_LEN to get the correct size of postfix if infix is an array located in stack. After the function px_parse exists the postfix array will contain tokens of expression in the postfix notation terminated by the token of type PX_TOKEN_TERM.

The parameter prio is a pointer to a function with the following signature:

int prio(px_token_t);

it returns priority of a token. The library assumes this function always returns correct values.

The funciton px_parse returns the following error codes:

  • PX_SUCCESS -- if postfix notation was successfully built
  • PX_E_UNMATCHED_BRACKET -- if infix notation contains unmatched brackets
  • PX_E_STAK_OVERFLOW -- if infix notation exceeds PX_STACK_SIZE

If a token represents an arithmetic operation or function its value should be of type px_func_t which is a function with the following signature:

int px_func(px_value_t* bp, px_value_t** sp, void* ctx);

The parameter bp points to the beginning of a stack that is used to evaluate expression in a postfix notation.

The parameter sp points to the head of the stack.

The parameter ctx can be used to share additional information across operations (for example it can be a table of variables values). In a simple case it can be NULL.

The library assumes the following behavior from the functions of type px_func_t:

  1. take from stack one or more operands
  2. evaluate calculation result using the operands
  3. push result back to the stack

The condition

bp == *sp

indicates the stack is empty. If a function of type ps_func_t needs to get an operand from the stack but the stack is empty an error PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT should be returned. Functions of type px_func_t are used to evaluate an expression in postfix notation. If some such function returns non zero value which indicate an error, the evaluation will be terminated and the error will be returned.

After an expression is transformed from infix notation to postfix notation the function

int px_eval(px_token_t* postfix, void* ctx, px_value_t* res);

should be called to evaluate the expression.

Here the parameter postfix is an array terminated by the token of type PX_TOKEN_TERM that represents the expression in the postfix notation.

The parameter ctx will be passed to values of tokens representing arithmetic operations or functions (values of type px_func_t which is described above).

The function px_eval returns the following error codes:

  • PX_SUCCESS -- if evaluation succeeded
  • PX_E_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN -- if postfix contains token that is not variable or function
  • PX_E_STACK_CORRUPTED -- if stack size is not 1 at the end of calculation (which can be cause by incorrect implementation of px_func_t).
  • A user defined error code which is the result of execution a function of typepx_funct_t.


Let's consider how to use the postfix library to calculate expressions of integers with the following operations: + - * /. (In the code pieces below it is assumed the header postfix.h is included)

First of all we need to declare types of new operations:


We also need to specify to the library priority of each operation:

static int _PX_TEST_PRIO_MAP[] =
    0, // PX_TOKEN_TERM
    0, // PX_TOKEN_VAR
    0, // PX_TOKEN_LBRC
    0, // PX_TOKEN_RBRC
    1, // _PX_TEST_TOKEN_ADD
    1, // _PX_TEST_TOKEN_SUB
    2, // _PX_TEST_TOKEN_MUL
    2, // _PX_TEST_TOKEN_DIV

static int _px_prio(px_token_t t)
    return _PX_TEST_PRIO_MAP[t.type];

And define functions representing arithmetic operations:


static int _px_add(px_value_t* bp, px_value_t** sp, void* ctx)
    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t a = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t b = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    PX_STACK_PUSH(*sp, (px_value_t){.i64 = b + a});
    return PX_SUCCESS;

static int _px_sub(px_value_t* bp, px_value_t** sp, void* ctx)
    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t a = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t b = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    PX_STACK_PUSH(*sp, (px_value_t){.i64 = b - a});
    return PX_SUCCESS;

static int _px_mul(px_value_t* bp, px_value_t** sp, void* ctx)
    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t a = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t b = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    PX_STACK_PUSH(*sp, (px_value_t){.i64 = b * a});
    return PX_SUCCESS;

static int _px_div(px_value_t* bp, px_value_t** sp, void* ctx)
    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t a = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    if (a == 0)
        return _PX_E_DIVISION_BY_ZERO;

    if (*sp == bp)
        return PX_E_MISSING_ARGUMENT;
    int64_t b = PX_STACK_POP(*sp).i64;

    PX_STACK_PUSH(*sp, (px_value_t){.i64 = b / a});
    return PX_SUCCESS;

Now we can calculate expression (2 + 3) * 4 represented by the following array of tokens:

px_token_t infix[] =
        (px_token_t){.type = PX_TOKEN_LBRK},
        (px_token_t){.type = PX_TOKEN_VAR, .value.i64 = 2},
        (px_token_t){.type = _PX_TOKEN_ADD, .value.op = _px_add},
        (px_token_t){.type = PX_TOKEN_VAR, .value.i64 = 3},
        (px_token_t){.type = PX_TOKEN_RBRK},
        (px_token_t){.type = _PX_TOKEN_MUL, .value.op = _px_mul},
        (px_token_t){.type = PX_TOKEN_VAR, .value.i64 = 4},
        (px_token_t){.type = PX_TOKEN_TERM},

using the following code:

int err;
px_token_t* postfix = (px_token_t[PX_LEN(infix)]){};

err = px_parse(infix, postfix, _px_prio);
if (err != PX_SUCCESS)
    // handle error

px_value_t res;

err = px_eval(postfix, NULL, &res);
if (err != PX_SUCCESS)
    // handle error
// res.i64 contains the result.


See the LICENCE file.