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v0.10.0: textual healing

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@vito vito released this 16 Apr 16:33
· 166 commits to master since this release

breaking changes

  • --tag has been renamed to --section-tag

new features

  • --section-path has been added; if specified, the --in section will be
    loaded and then the given section path will be loaded and rendered with the
    --in section as its context.

    this is useful for things like release notes where the release notes aren't
    included into the main docs section but need it for resolving references.

  • a basic text renderer has been added, using text/template instead of
    html/template and only including a few non-markup-specific templates. this
    is useful as a base for Markdown renderers.

  • the joinLines function previously added in v0.9.0 has been moved to the
    new text renderer.


  • the 'parsing section' log line has been switched to debug level.