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Rafael García Cuéllar edited this page Jun 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

State of the extension

Our main core maintainer, @JimiC, has worked a lot for 7.15.0 and there are a lot of new cool icons in this new version. We hope that you enjoy them!

@JimiC has brought most of 7.11.0 which comes with some brand new icons and a really new cool feature, the ability to customize the custom icons folder path. With this, you will be able to ship your own custom icons along your repository and share them with your team. Or even store them in the cloud and have them available everywhere. If you want to know more about how it works, just read the Custom Icons Section.

With the release of 7.10.0, we improved the way the extension is handling your manual changes to a presets or associations configuration. By default, every time you change any of the aforementioned configurations, you will be presented with the message to Restart the editor, for the changes to take effect. Of course, you can always disable this behavior. See the Configuration section for more details.

As from release 7.7.0, the project detection feature has become smarter and is totally unobtrusive. If you have it disabled, because you found it annoying for any reason, we urge you to re-enable it and check out its new functionality.

We're talking about a major improvement over this feature. It will help you to enable and disable your Angular icons whenever you switch different projects without messing around with your workspace settings. Forget about having to deal with your source control every time the workspace setting was changed. @JimiC has done a really good work and we're pretty sure that you're going to love it! As usual, any feedback will be more than welcome. ;)

We support localization of the extension, too! We intend to expand the supported languages as the Visual Studio Code adds them. Take a look at the Translation's section if you want to know more or contribute.

We also keep supporting the ability for users to customize the icons without having to inject anything into the Visual Studio Code's code.

This was a huge step to allow the users to fully customize how the icons looked like and how they could be associated to any extension at will.

Custom Icon association is still not supported by VSCode API but we thought that it was a very demanded feature and thought of a way to make it work for you. Remember that there's still an open issue in VSCode's repo talking about how they could provide official support for this feature. Provide a +1 if you want the VSCode team to support it out of the box. More information in #328.

Thank you all for your kind support. We will continue to try to improve the extension to make it more user friendly 😄