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Author: Karan Wanchoo
Project: CVD_Reddit_NLP
Date: January 10, 2022
Affiliation: World Well-Being Project

This repository contains code for the paper:

Reddit language indicates changes associated with diet, physical activity, substance use, and smoking during COVID-19.

Steps for running the code for regeneration:

1. PRAW/PSAW script to scrape Reddit data:

In the enter subreddit names you wish to scrape in Line #13 assigning to subreddit_to_pull_submissions. Run the file in terminal. subreddit_comments.csv and subreddit.csv files shall be created for every subreddit where "subreddit" implies the subreddit names you have provided as input. You could change params_submission variable in Line #24 to alter the mentioned parameters. Visit Pushshift Reddit API Documentation for more details.

2. Data preparation:

It is recommended to append all individual subreddit output files in a single master file separately for posts and comments and upload it to your respective database. In this documentation I have used database name covid_cv_reddit and table name master_sub that contains all the posts from 22 subreddits. MySQL server was used for our project. Run MySQL_data_prep.sql

3. DLATK installation and requirements:

Please visit DLATK website for details.

cd ~/code/dlatk/
source activate dlatk

4. User engagement analysis on Reddit:

Run for the generating new user count plots and message count plots over time across four broader groups.


5. Language Feature Extraction using DLATK and MySQL:

  • Generate standard unigram feature table on the complete master_sub table with message_id as the group id. The output is a 1to3gram feature table created in your home db
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c message_id --add_ngrams -n 1 2 3 --combine_feat_tables 1to3gram
  • Apply colocalization filter to the generated features. This yields feat$colloc$master_sub$message_id$5en05 output table
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c message_id -f 'feat$1to3gram$master_sub$message_id$16to16' --feat_occ_filter --feat_colloc_filter
  • Add “id” column in MySQL on feat$1to3gram$master_sub$message_id$16to16$0_0001
ALTER TABLE covid_cv_reddit.feat$1to3gram$master_sub$message_id$16to16$0_0001 ADD COLUMN id BIGINT NOT NULL;
UPDATE covid_cv_reddit.feat$1to3gram$master_sub$message_id$16to16$0_0001 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT @myid := 0) AS parameter SET id = @myid := (@myid +1);
  • Create a table to store special characters that will be removed from the feature table
create table splchar (namee VARCHAR(20));
INSERT INTO splchar(namee)
VALUES ('%*%'),('%.%'),('%)%'),('%(%'),('%-%'),('%/%'),('%[%'),('%]%'),('%:%'),('%;%'),
  • Run deleterows() procedure file to get rid of features containing above mentioned special characters
call deleterows();
  • Create collocation scores for message_id
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c message_id  --create_collocation_scores -f ‘feat$1to3gram$master_sub$message_id$16to16$0_0001’ --word_table ‘feat$1to3gram$master_sub$message_id$16to16$0_0001’
  • Extract collocation feature table. You could change the --set_p_occ and --colloc_pmi_thresh thresholds as per your data. This generates feat$colloc$master_sub$message_id$5en05 table as output.
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c message_id --add_ngrams -n 1 2 3 --use_collocs --colloc_table covid_cv_reddit.ufeat\$master_sub_herc --lexicondb=covid_cv_reddit --colloc_pmi_thresh 6.0 --feat_occ_filter --set_p_occ 0.0001

6. Topic Modelling using DLATK and MySQL:

  • Estimate LDA topics using Mallet from these 1to3grams. Specify the number of topics you want, lexicon name and path of folder and the 1to3gram table name
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c message_id -f 'feat$colloc$master_sub$message_id$5en05' \
--estimate_lda_topics \
--lda_lexicon_name covid_cv_200 \
--mallet_path /home/sharath/mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet \
--num_topics 200 \
--num_stopwords 100 \
--save_lda_files /sandata/kwanchoo/lda_200/
  • Check the output tables covid_cv_200_cp and covid_cv_200_freq_t50ll

  • Now create 1to3grams at user_subreddit_pandemicflag level (i.e Alex_Marijuana_pre or Alex_Marijuana_post implying the post was made by user Alex in Marijuana subreddit pre-pandemic or during pandemic. This column has been named as user_sub in the table master_sub. Pandemic indicator flag in the master_sub dataset has the name is_post that indicates whether the post was made during pandemic (is_post = 1) or pre-pandemic (is_post=0)

python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c user_sub --add_ngrams -n 1 2 3 --combine_feat_tables 1to3gram --feat_occ_filter --feat_colloc_filter
  • Now use the lexica created on the entire document list to extract topic norms at user_subreddit level
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c user_sub --add_lex_table -l covid_cv_200_cp --weighted_lexicon --lexicondb=covid_cv_reddit --word_table ‘feat$1to3gram$master_sub$user_sub$0_01’
  • In MySQL create the outcome table post_outcome before running correlations between features and pandemic flag
CREATE INDEX user_sub ON master_sub(user_sub);
CREATE TABLE post_outcome SELECT DISTINCT broader_topic, user_sub, is_post FROM master_sub;
CREATE INDEX user_sub ON post_outcome(user_sub);
  • In MySQL delete the features having covid related stopwords
create table covid_char (namee VARCHAR(20));
INSERT INTO covid_char(namee)
VALUES ('%covid%'),('%quarantine%'),('%lockdown%'),('%coronavirus%'),('%covid-19%'),('%pandemic%'),('%corona%'),('amp'),('%& amp%'),('amp ;'),('. for example'),('%covid%'),('%#x200%'),('; &'),(';'),(','),('.'),('. * *'),('. ] ('),('%https%'),('%[removed]%'),('nan'),('! nan'),(') nan'),('? nan');
  • Run delete_covid_keys() procedure on feat$1to3gram$master_sub$user_sub$0_01$pmi3_0 to get rid of features containing above mentioned covid related stopwords
call delete_covid_keys();

7. Change in Language Markers Pre- and During COVID-19 using DLATK and MySQL:

  • Language correlations to highlight fluctuation pre vs during covid. Change the broader_topic name (Diet, Physical_Activity, Drugs, Smoking).
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -g user_sub \
-f 'feat$1to3gram$master_sub$user_sub$0_01$pmi3_0' \
--outcome_table post_outcome  --group_freq_thresh 400 \
--outcomes is_post --output_name Drugs_ngram_new \
--tagcloud --make_wordclouds \
--tagcloud_colorscheme bluered \
--lexicondb=covid_cv_reddit \
--csv \
--where "broader_topic like '%Drugs%'"
  • Create tag-clouds and get correlations that shall highlight topics for each subreddit undergone fluctuation pre vs during covid. Change the broader_topic name (Diet, Physical_Activity, Drugs, Smoking)
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -g user_sub \
-f ‘feat$cat_covid_cv_200_cp_w$master_sub$user_sub$1to3’ \
--outcome_table post_outcome  --group_freq_thresh 400 \
--outcomes is_post --output_name Smoking_200 \
--topic_tagcloud --make_topic_wordcloud --topic_lexicon covid_cv_200_freq_t50ll \
--tagcloud_colorscheme bluered \
--lexicondb=covid_cv_reddit \
--csv \
--where "broader_topic like '%Smoking%'"
  • Get top messages for every topic
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -f 'feat$cat_covid_cv_200_cp_w$master_sub$message_id$coll' --output top_msgs_master_sub --whitelist --top_messages 20 --group_freq_thresh 4 --topic_lexicon covid_cv_200_freq_t50ll

8. Identify significantly positively correlated topics associated with the four broader groups:

  • user_s in the column name in master_sub that has been created by concatenating user and subreddit values. Posts are aggregated at user_subreddit levels and correlations are found with broader group indicator flags such as is_drugs, is_smoking, etc., similar to is_post.
CREATE TABLE post_outcome_2 SELECT DISTINCT broader_topic, user_s, is_drugs, is_pa, is_diet, is_smoking from master_sub;
CREATE INDEX user_s ON post_outcome_2(user_s);
  • Broader group correlations. This gives a list of topics with their correlations with four broader groups. We then use the positively and significantly correlated topics to perform Prevalent Topic Analysis
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -g user_s \
-f ‘feat$cat_covid_200_cp_w$master_sub$user_s$1to3’ \
--outcome_table post_outcome_2  --group_freq_thresh 400 \
--outcomes is_drugs is_pa is_diet is_smoking --output_name Phase2_200_reattempt \
--topic_tagcloud --make_topic_wordcloud --topic_lexicon covid_cv_200_freq_t50ll \
--tagcloud_colorscheme bluered \
--lexicondb=covid_cv_reddit \
--csv \

9. Prevalent Topic Analysis:

  • Get the probability distribution (group_norm distribution) for each message across all (200) topics such that we get a 200 dimensional vector across all messages. The output table is cat_covid_cv_post_200_cp_w$master_sub$message_id$1to3
python -d covid_cv_reddit -t master_sub -c message_id --add_lex_table -l covid_cv_200_cp --weighted_lexicon --lexicondb=covid_cv_reddit --word_table ‘feat$colloc$master_sub$message_id$5en05’
  • Run for the generating temporal plots of topic distributions for significantly positively correlated topics within each broader group.


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