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Next generation artificial intelligent ERP system

On the basis of ERP business, we have expanded GPT-3.5. individually or company can fine tune your model through our system. You can provide fully automated business form submission operations through your simple description, and you can chat, interact, and consult information with GPT. You can deploy through Docker to quickly start and use.

It's completely free, if this project is helpful to you, please click on Star. Thank you.


Enginsh / 简体中文

Online preview

Some functional modules are being developed and improved, please refer to our to-do list / 开发清单. It's not easy to generate electricity with love.

Quick Start

docker pull wansenai/eairp:2.1.1

docker pull wansenai/eairp-web:2.1.1

Run Server

You can customize and modify port 8080, please ensure that the service ports monitored by your front-end are consistent. If you want to deploy to your domain name, the local host needs to be modified to your domain name.

We will use the Docker Compose method for integration and deployment next it is coming soon :)

docker run --name eairp -d -p 8080:8088 wansenai/eairp:2.1.1

docker run --name eairp-web -d -p 3000:80 -e API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080/erp-api wansenai/eairp-web:2.1.1

System screenshot (only part)

Other Repository

  • eairp-app Note: (The application currently needs to wait for the web side to be fully developed before proceeding)


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at your option.


微信群: 请添加微信wansenai备注ERP开源.


We welcome every contributor, both in terms of code and documentation.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.