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windgazer edited this page Nov 15, 2012 · 7 revisions

QuizOfQuints intends to become a free to play learning experience for musicians of any level. The intention is to provide games to learn 'Music Theory', 'Pitch Training' and 'Rhythm'. Although that last skill is something I'm not quite clear on how to help with :).

The first focus of this application is to teach 'Music Theory' in the form of recognizing chords. This is a skill which is greatly undervalued by amateur musicians such as myself. However, I intend to learn how to play improv and have come to realize how valuable it would have been to remember the music theory I learned when I was young...

I am going to use this wiki first to put down my thoughts on what kind of games I could easily create, how to interface them together and how to make it more socially interactive, challenging your fellow musically inclined friends.

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