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[FIX]:NodeJS 20 Deprecation Warning DEP0170 #218 #110

[FIX]:NodeJS 20 Deprecation Warning DEP0170 #218

[FIX]:NodeJS 20 Deprecation Warning DEP0170 #218 #110

Status Failure
Total duration 31s


on: pull_request
Matrix: unit-tests
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21 errors and 24 warnings
unit-tests (18, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L12
'ObjectID' is assigned a value but never used
unit-tests (18, v6.0-latest)
Process completed with exit code 1.
unit-tests (16, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L12
'ObjectID' is assigned a value but never used
unit-tests (16, v6.0-latest)
Process completed with exit code 1.
unit-tests (20, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L12
'ObjectID' is assigned a value but never used
unit-tests (20, v5.0-latest)
Process completed with exit code 1.
unit-tests (20, v4.4-latest)
The job was canceled because "_18_v6_0-latest" failed.
unit-tests (20, v4.4-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L12
'ObjectID' is assigned a value but never used
unit-tests (20, v4.4-latest)
Process completed with exit code 1.
unit-tests (20, v6.0-latest)
The job was canceled because "_18_v6_0-latest" failed.
unit-tests (20, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L12
'ObjectID' is assigned a value but never used
unit-tests (20, v6.0-latest)
Process completed with exit code 1.
unit-tests (16, v4.4-latest)
The job was canceled because "_18_v6_0-latest" failed.
unit-tests (16, v4.4-latest)
The operation was canceled.
unit-tests (18, v4.4-latest)
The job was canceled because "_18_v6_0-latest" failed.
unit-tests (18, v4.4-latest)
The operation was canceled.
unit-tests (18, v5.0-latest)
The job was canceled because "_18_v6_0-latest" failed.
unit-tests (18, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L12
'ObjectID' is assigned a value but never used
unit-tests (18, v5.0-latest)
The operation was canceled.
unit-tests (16, v5.0-latest)
The job was canceled because "_18_v6_0-latest" failed.
unit-tests (16, v5.0-latest)
The operation was canceled.
unit-tests (18, v6.0-latest): lib/helpers.js#L48
Unexpected use of continue statement
unit-tests (18, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has too many statements (37). Maximum allowed is 15
unit-tests (18, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has a complexity of 15. Maximum allowed is 11
unit-tests (18, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L89
'db' is already declared in the upper scope on line 87 column 39
unit-tests (16, v6.0-latest): lib/helpers.js#L48
Unexpected use of continue statement
unit-tests (16, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has too many statements (37). Maximum allowed is 15
unit-tests (16, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has a complexity of 15. Maximum allowed is 11
unit-tests (16, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L89
'db' is already declared in the upper scope on line 87 column 39
unit-tests (20, v5.0-latest): lib/helpers.js#L48
Unexpected use of continue statement
unit-tests (20, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has too many statements (37). Maximum allowed is 15
unit-tests (20, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has a complexity of 15. Maximum allowed is 11
unit-tests (20, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L89
'db' is already declared in the upper scope on line 87 column 39
unit-tests (20, v4.4-latest): lib/helpers.js#L48
Unexpected use of continue statement
unit-tests (20, v4.4-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has too many statements (37). Maximum allowed is 15
unit-tests (20, v4.4-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has a complexity of 15. Maximum allowed is 11
unit-tests (20, v4.4-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L89
'db' is already declared in the upper scope on line 87 column 39
unit-tests (20, v6.0-latest): lib/helpers.js#L48
Unexpected use of continue statement
unit-tests (20, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has too many statements (37). Maximum allowed is 15
unit-tests (20, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has a complexity of 15. Maximum allowed is 11
unit-tests (20, v6.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L89
'db' is already declared in the upper scope on line 87 column 39
unit-tests (18, v5.0-latest): lib/helpers.js#L48
Unexpected use of continue statement
unit-tests (18, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has too many statements (37). Maximum allowed is 15
unit-tests (18, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L56
Function has a complexity of 15. Maximum allowed is 11
unit-tests (18, v5.0-latest): lib/winston-mongodb.js#L89
'db' is already declared in the upper scope on line 87 column 39