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WIZARDISHUNGRY edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 24 revisions


  1. Download latest zip from Downloads and unzip
  2. Upload to web server
  3. Make the log, cache, data & uploads directories and the SQLite database are writable — chmod 777 cache log uploads data data/tracker.db

For Developers only

This document assumes you’re at least somewhat familiar with setting up PHP & MySQL and want to hack on sflimetracker. There are plenty of resources for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X that detail installing a working Apache, PHP and MySQL environment available and you should consult them for help.

  1. Install Apache, PHP, MySQL (optional), Phing, and Git — I’m developing on OS X and use MacPorts — If you’re using a webhost you probably don’t need to do this.
  2. Use git clone to download a copy of the project to a convenient working directory — I use ~/Projects/sflimetracker.
  3. svn co lib/vendor/symfony to install Symfony.
  4. git submodule update --init to pull in Git submodules from their repositories
  5. Edit config/propel.ini to set the propel.database.createUrl and propel.database.url to have the correct connection information for your database. Propel.ini is used for building the ORM classes which are located in lib/model. Next, edit config/databases.yml and set the connection information again. Databases.yml is used for connections to the database from the runtime. Never put hard tabs in yaml files! (NB: these files are suffixed “.dist” in version control — rename them to remove the “.dist” extension.)
  6. Go to a shell and cd into the project directory. Type php symfony limetracker:build. Fix any errors you have. Might want to try running the project:permissions task to make sure all the directories are chmod’d correctly.
  7. You will likely have to run php symfony propel:build-all and php symfony propel:load-data to ensure that the database and fixtures are loaded correctly.

Notes for particular environments

Here’s some stuff to speed up getting things up and running quicker.


  1. Try going to the root of the sflimetracker project in your web browser. You should see a login page. Looks like your web install of symfony is working.
  2. If Symphony outputs problem with sql connection, probably your webhost probably doesn’t provide sqllite out of the box. The solution is to use mysql: In config/databases.yml there’s a block of connect strings for mysql—uncomment them, fill in the appropriate username, password, host and database name and comment out the sqlite database. Then you’ll need to run the SQL to setup the database. You can find this in data/sql/lib.model.schema.sql. Example of proper config file is here:

If you want some hand holding, contact me via my GitHub user page.