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Many to many

xcesco edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 3 revisions

This annotation is used to simplify management of many 2 many relationships. This annotation is not mandatory, you can always manage many 2 many relationships by yourself. @BindDaoMany2Many allows avoiding the manual creation of bean associated to the table that implements relation many 2 many between two table. It's very useful when you have many M2M relationships and they are without any custom attributes.

The link between a Person and a City can be expressed with a table named City2Person. Usually to manage this kind of relationship you need:

  • to create a relation table (in the example City2Person) throw an entity.
  • to create an associated DAO interface
  • to define all methods needed to manage table

Quite boring...

With Kripton, to define a many to many relationships between two entities (in our example City and Person entities) you need only to define an empty DAO interface marked with @BindDaoMany2Many.

A data model representing the above example can be expressed by the following Java classes and interfaces:

// data model
public class City {
  public long id;
  public String name;

// data model
public class Person {
  public long id;
  public String name;

// dao
public interface CityDao {
  public void insert(City bean);
  public List<City> listCities();

// dao
public interface PersonDao {
  public void insert(Person bean);
  public List<Person> listPersons();

// many 2 many dao interface
@BindDaoMany2Many(entity1 = City.class, entity2 = Person.class)
public interface City2PersonDao {


// datasource
@BindDataSource(daoSet = { CityDao.class, PersonDao.class, City2PersonDao.class }, fileName = "app.db")
public interface AppDataSource {


The above example is the simplest case to view how Kripton manages many to many relationships. As you can notice, for City2PersonDao DAO no methods are defined: Kripton, when detects that a DAO has @BindDaoMany2Many will generate for us:

  • an entity for the relation
  • table definition associated to entity
  • DAO implementation
  • method's to manage INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and SELECT operation by foreign keys presents in entity

So, for the above example, it will generate many object.

First of all, a DAO interface and entity definitions are created:

// dao interface
@BindGeneratedDao(dao = City2PersonDao.class)
    entity1 = City.class,
    entity2 = Person.class
public interface GeneratedCity2PersonDao extends City2PersonDao {
  @BindSqlSelect(where = "id=${id}")
  CityPerson selectById(@BindSqlParam("id") long id);

  @BindSqlSelect(where = "cityId=${cityId}")
  List<CityPerson> selectByCityId(@BindSqlParam("cityId") long cityId);

  @BindSqlSelect(where = "personId=${personId}")
  List<CityPerson> selectByPersonId(@BindSqlParam("personId") long personId);

  @BindSqlDelete(where = "id=${id}")
  int deleteById(@BindSqlParam("id") long id);

  @BindSqlDelete(where = "cityId=${cityId}")
  int deleteByCityId(@BindSqlParam("cityId") long cityId);

  @BindSqlDelete(where = "personId=${personId}")
  int deleteByPersonId(@BindSqlParam("personId") long personId);

  int insert(@BindSqlParam("bean") CityPerson bean);

The table definition:

 * <p>
 * Generated entity implementation for <code>CityPerson</code>
 * </p>
@BindTable(name = "city_person")
public class CityPerson {
   * Primary key
  @BindColumn(columnType = ColumnType.PRIMARY_KEY)
  public long id;

   * Foreign key to City model class
      parentEntity = City.class,
      onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE
  public long cityId;

   * Foreign key to Person model class
      parentEntity = Person.class,
      onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE
  public long personId;

Once this intermediate operation is done, Kripton will proceed to crate the DAO and the table implementation.

The DAO implementation:

 * <p>
 * DAO implementation for entity <code>CityPerson</code>, based on interface <code>GeneratedCity2PersonDao</code>
 * </p>
 *  @see CityPerson
 *  @see GeneratedCity2PersonDao
 *  @see CityPersonTable
public class City2PersonDaoImpl extends Dao implements GeneratedCity2PersonDao {
  private static final String SELECT_BY_ID_SQL3 = "SELECT id, city_id, person_id FROM city_person WHERE id=?";

  private static final String SELECT_BY_CITY_ID_SQL4 = "SELECT id, city_id, person_id FROM city_person WHERE city_id=?";

  private static final String SELECT_BY_PERSON_ID_SQL5 = "SELECT id, city_id, person_id FROM city_person WHERE person_id=?";

  private static SQLiteStatement deleteByIdPreparedStatement0;

  private static SQLiteStatement deleteByCityIdPreparedStatement1;

  private static SQLiteStatement deleteByPersonIdPreparedStatement2;

  private static SQLiteStatement insertPreparedStatement3;

  public City2PersonDaoImpl(BindAppDaoFactory daoFactory) {

   * <h2>Select SQL:</h2>
   * <pre>SELECT id, city_id, person_id FROM city_person WHERE id=${id}</pre>
   * <h2>Projected columns:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>id</strong></dd>
   * 	<dt>city_id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>cityId</strong></dd>
   * 	<dt>person_id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>personId</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * <h2>Query's parameters:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>${id}</dt><dd>is binded to method's parameter <strong>id</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * @param id
   * 	is binded to <code>${id}</code>
   * @return selected bean or <code>null</code>.
  public CityPerson selectById(long id) {
    KriptonContentValues _contentValues=contentValues();
    // query SQL is statically defined
    String _sql=SELECT_BY_ID_SQL3;
    // add where arguments
    String[] _sqlArgs=_contentValues.whereArgsAsArray();
    // log section BEGIN
    if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {
      // manage log;

      // log for where parameters -- BEGIN
      int _whereParamCounter=0;
      for (String _whereParamItem: _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'",(_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
      // log for where parameters -- END
    // log section END
    try (Cursor _cursor = database().rawQuery(_sql, _sqlArgs)) {
      // log section BEGIN
      if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {"Rows found: %s",_cursor.getCount());
      // log section END

      CityPerson resultBean=null;

      if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {

        int index0=_cursor.getColumnIndex("id");
        int index1=_cursor.getColumnIndex("city_id");
        int index2=_cursor.getColumnIndex("person_id");

        resultBean=new CityPerson();;
        if (!_cursor.isNull(index1)) { resultBean.cityId=_cursor.getLong(index1); }
        if (!_cursor.isNull(index2)) { resultBean.personId=_cursor.getLong(index2); }

      return resultBean;

   * <h2>Select SQL:</h2>
   * <pre>SELECT id, city_id, person_id FROM city_person WHERE city_id=${cityId}</pre>
   * <h2>Projected columns:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>id</strong></dd>
   * 	<dt>city_id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>cityId</strong></dd>
   * 	<dt>person_id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>personId</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * <h2>Query's parameters:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>${cityId}</dt><dd>is binded to method's parameter <strong>cityId</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * @param cityId
   * 	is binded to <code>${cityId}</code>
   * @return collection of bean or empty collection.
  public List<CityPerson> selectByCityId(long cityId) {
    KriptonContentValues _contentValues=contentValues();
    // query SQL is statically defined
    String _sql=SELECT_BY_CITY_ID_SQL4;
    // add where arguments
    String[] _sqlArgs=_contentValues.whereArgsAsArray();
    // log section BEGIN
    if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {
      // manage log;

      // log for where parameters -- BEGIN
      int _whereParamCounter=0;
      for (String _whereParamItem: _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'",(_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
      // log for where parameters -- END
    // log section END
    try (Cursor _cursor = database().rawQuery(_sql, _sqlArgs)) {
      // log section BEGIN
      if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {"Rows found: %s",_cursor.getCount());
      // log section END

      ArrayList<CityPerson> resultList=new ArrayList<CityPerson>(_cursor.getCount());
      CityPerson resultBean=null;

      if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {

        int index0=_cursor.getColumnIndex("id");
        int index1=_cursor.getColumnIndex("city_id");
        int index2=_cursor.getColumnIndex("person_id");

          resultBean=new CityPerson();

          if (!_cursor.isNull(index1)) { resultBean.cityId=_cursor.getLong(index1); }
          if (!_cursor.isNull(index2)) { resultBean.personId=_cursor.getLong(index2); }

        } while (_cursor.moveToNext());

      return resultList;

   * <h2>Select SQL:</h2>
   * <pre>SELECT id, city_id, person_id FROM city_person WHERE person_id=${personId}</pre>
   * <h2>Projected columns:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>id</strong></dd>
   * 	<dt>city_id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>cityId</strong></dd>
   * 	<dt>person_id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>personId</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * <h2>Query's parameters:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>${personId}</dt><dd>is binded to method's parameter <strong>personId</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * @param personId
   * 	is binded to <code>${personId}</code>
   * @return collection of bean or empty collection.
  public List<CityPerson> selectByPersonId(long personId) {
    KriptonContentValues _contentValues=contentValues();
    // query SQL is statically defined
    String _sql=SELECT_BY_PERSON_ID_SQL5;
    // add where arguments
    String[] _sqlArgs=_contentValues.whereArgsAsArray();
    // log section BEGIN
    if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {
      // manage log;

      // log for where parameters -- BEGIN
      int _whereParamCounter=0;
      for (String _whereParamItem: _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'",(_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
      // log for where parameters -- END
    // log section END
    try (Cursor _cursor = database().rawQuery(_sql, _sqlArgs)) {
      // log section BEGIN
      if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {"Rows found: %s",_cursor.getCount());
      // log section END

      ArrayList<CityPerson> resultList=new ArrayList<CityPerson>(_cursor.getCount());
      CityPerson resultBean=null;

      if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {

        int index0=_cursor.getColumnIndex("id");
        int index1=_cursor.getColumnIndex("city_id");
        int index2=_cursor.getColumnIndex("person_id");

          resultBean=new CityPerson();

          if (!_cursor.isNull(index1)) { resultBean.cityId=_cursor.getLong(index1); }
          if (!_cursor.isNull(index2)) { resultBean.personId=_cursor.getLong(index2); }

        } while (_cursor.moveToNext());

      return resultList;

   * <h2>SQL delete</h2>
   * <pre>DELETE FROM city_person WHERE id=${id}</pre>
   * <h2>Where parameters:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>${id}</dt><dd>is mapped to method's parameter <strong>id</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * @param id
   * 	is used as where parameter <strong>${id}</strong>
   * @return number of deleted records
  public int deleteById(long id) {
    if (deleteByIdPreparedStatement0==null) {
      // generate static SQL for statement
      String _sql="DELETE FROM city_person WHERE id=?";
      deleteByIdPreparedStatement0 = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.compile(_context, _sql);
    KriptonContentValues _contentValues=contentValuesForUpdate(deleteByIdPreparedStatement0);

    // generation CODE_001 -- BEGIN
    // generation CODE_001 -- END
    // log section BEGIN
    if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {

      // display log"DELETE FROM city_person WHERE id=?");

      // log for where parameters -- BEGIN
      int _whereParamCounter=0;
      for (String _whereParamItem: _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'",(_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
      // log for where parameters -- END
    // log section END
    int result = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.updateDelete(deleteByIdPreparedStatement0, _contentValues);
    return result;

   * <h2>SQL delete</h2>
   * <pre>DELETE FROM city_person WHERE city_id=${cityId}</pre>
   * <h2>Where parameters:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>${cityId}</dt><dd>is mapped to method's parameter <strong>cityId</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * @param cityId
   * 	is used as where parameter <strong>${cityId}</strong>
   * @return number of deleted records
  public int deleteByCityId(long cityId) {
    if (deleteByCityIdPreparedStatement1==null) {
      // generate static SQL for statement
      String _sql="DELETE FROM city_person WHERE city_id=?";
      deleteByCityIdPreparedStatement1 = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.compile(_context, _sql);
    KriptonContentValues _contentValues=contentValuesForUpdate(deleteByCityIdPreparedStatement1);

    // generation CODE_001 -- BEGIN
    // generation CODE_001 -- END
    // log section BEGIN
    if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {

      // display log"DELETE FROM city_person WHERE city_id=?");

      // log for where parameters -- BEGIN
      int _whereParamCounter=0;
      for (String _whereParamItem: _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'",(_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
      // log for where parameters -- END
    // log section END
    int result = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.updateDelete(deleteByCityIdPreparedStatement1, _contentValues);
    return result;

   * <h2>SQL delete</h2>
   * <pre>DELETE FROM city_person WHERE person_id=${personId}</pre>
   * <h2>Where parameters:</h2>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>${personId}</dt><dd>is mapped to method's parameter <strong>personId</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * @param personId
   * 	is used as where parameter <strong>${personId}</strong>
   * @return number of deleted records
  public int deleteByPersonId(long personId) {
    if (deleteByPersonIdPreparedStatement2==null) {
      // generate static SQL for statement
      String _sql="DELETE FROM city_person WHERE person_id=?";
      deleteByPersonIdPreparedStatement2 = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.compile(_context, _sql);
    KriptonContentValues _contentValues=contentValuesForUpdate(deleteByPersonIdPreparedStatement2);

    // generation CODE_001 -- BEGIN
    // generation CODE_001 -- END
    // log section BEGIN
    if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {

      // display log"DELETE FROM city_person WHERE person_id=?");

      // log for where parameters -- BEGIN
      int _whereParamCounter=0;
      for (String _whereParamItem: _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'",(_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
      // log for where parameters -- END
    // log section END
    int result = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.updateDelete(deleteByPersonIdPreparedStatement2, _contentValues);
    return result;

   * <p>SQL insert:</p>
   * <pre>INSERT INTO city_person (city_id, person_id) VALUES (${bean.cityId}, ${bean.personId})</pre>
   * <p><code></code> is automatically updated because it is the primary key</p>
   * <p><strong>Inserted columns:</strong></p>
   * <dl>
   * 	<dt>city_id</dt><dd>is mapped to <strong>${bean.cityId}</strong></dd>
   * 	<dt>person_id</dt><dd>is mapped to <strong>${bean.personId}</strong></dd>
   * </dl>
   * @param bean
   * 	is mapped to parameter <strong>bean</strong>
   * @return <strong>id</strong> of inserted record
  public int insert(CityPerson bean) {
    if (insertPreparedStatement3==null) {
      // generate static SQL for statement
      String _sql="INSERT INTO city_person (city_id, person_id) VALUES (?, ?)";
      insertPreparedStatement3 = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.compile(_context, _sql);
    KriptonContentValues _contentValues=contentValuesForUpdate(insertPreparedStatement3);
    _contentValues.put("city_id", bean.cityId);
    _contentValues.put("person_id", bean.personId);

    // log section BEGIN
    if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {
      // log for insert -- BEGIN 
      StringBuffer _columnNameBuffer=new StringBuffer();
      StringBuffer _columnValueBuffer=new StringBuffer();
      String _columnSeparator="";
      for (String columnName:_contentValues.keys()) {
        _columnSeparator=", ";
      }"INSERT INTO city_person (%s) VALUES (%s)", _columnNameBuffer.toString(), _columnValueBuffer.toString());

      // log for content values -- BEGIN
      Triple<String, Object, KriptonContentValues.ParamType> _contentValue;
      for (int i = 0; i < _contentValues.size(); i++) {
        _contentValue = _contentValues.get(i);
        if (_contentValue.value1==null) {
"==> :%s = <null>", _contentValue.value0);
        } else {
"==> :%s = '%s' (%s)", _contentValue.value0, StringUtils.checkSize(_contentValue.value1), _contentValue.value1.getClass().getCanonicalName());
      // log for content values -- END
      // log for insert -- END 

      // log for where parameters -- BEGIN
      int _whereParamCounter=0;
      for (String _whereParamItem: _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'",(_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
      // log for where parameters -- END
    // log section END
    // insert operation
    long result = KriptonDatabaseWrapper.insert(insertPreparedStatement3, _contentValues);;

    return (int)result;

  public static void clearCompiledStatements() {
    if (deleteByIdPreparedStatement0!=null) {
    if (deleteByCityIdPreparedStatement1!=null) {
    if (deleteByPersonIdPreparedStatement2!=null) {
    if (insertPreparedStatement3!=null) {

The entity definition:

 * <p>
 * Entity <code>CityPerson</code> is associated to table <code>city_person</code>
 * This class represents table associated to entity.
 * </p>
 *  @see CityPerson
public class CityPersonTable implements SQLiteTable {
   * Costant represents typeName of table city_person
  public static final String TABLE_NAME = "city_person";

   * <p>
   * DDL to create table city_person
   * </p>
   * <pre>CREATE TABLE city_person (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, city_id INTEGER NOT NULL, person_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(city_id) REFERENCES city(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(person_id) REFERENCES person(id) ON DELETE CASCADE); CREATE INDEX idx_city_person_city_id ON city_person(city_id); CREATE INDEX idx_city_person_person_id ON city_person(person_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_city_person_0 on city_person (city_id, person_id);</pre>
  public static final String CREATE_TABLE_SQL = "CREATE TABLE city_person (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, city_id INTEGER NOT NULL, person_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(city_id) REFERENCES city(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(person_id) REFERENCES person(id) ON DELETE CASCADE); CREATE INDEX idx_city_person_city_id ON city_person(city_id); CREATE INDEX idx_city_person_person_id ON city_person(person_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_city_person_0 on city_person (city_id, person_id);";

   * <p>
   * DDL to drop table city_person
   * </p>
   * <pre> DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_city_person_city_id; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_city_person_person_id; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_city_person_1;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS city_person;</pre>
  public static final String DROP_TABLE_SQL = " DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_city_person_city_id; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_city_person_person_id; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_city_person_1;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS city_person;";

   * Entity's property <code>id</code> is associated to table column <code>id</code>. This costant represents column name.
   *  @see CityPerson#id
  public static final String COLUMN_ID = "id";

   * Entity's property <code>cityId</code> is associated to table column <code>city_id</code>. This costant represents column name.
   *  @see CityPerson#cityId
  public static final String COLUMN_CITY_ID = "city_id";

   * Entity's property <code>personId</code> is associated to table column <code>person_id</code>. This costant represents column name.
   *  @see CityPerson#personId
  public static final String COLUMN_PERSON_ID = "person_id";

   * Columns array
  private static final String[] COLUMNS = {COLUMN_ID, COLUMN_CITY_ID, COLUMN_PERSON_ID};

   * Columns array
  public String[] columns() {
    return COLUMNS;

   * table name
  public String name() {
    return TABLE_NAME;

As you can see, all tipical foreign key, primary key and constraints are created for us. Quite easy isn't it?

Table of Contents

Query definition



Multithread supports


Annotations for data convertion

Annotations for SQLite ORM

Annotations for shared preferences

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