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cf plugin for using a github remote for managing cf app deployments

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installation from release binaries

On OSX using release binaries

$ wget -O $GOPATH/bin/deploycloud
$ cf install-plugin $GOPATH/bin/deploycloud

On Linux using release binaries

$ wget -O $GOPATH/bin/deploycloud
$ cf install-plugin $GOPATH/bin/deploycloud

On Windows using release binaries

#in your browser download and place it in $GOPATH/bin/deploycloud.exe

$ cf install-plugin $env:GOPATH/bin/deploycloud.exe

installation using go get

*On nix using go get

$ go get
$ cf install-plugin $GOPATH/bin/deploycloud

On Windows using go get

$ go get
$ cf install-plugin $env:GOPATH/bin/deploycloud.exe


available args

	--list "list apps available in config file (defaults to false)"
	--run "run the selected deployment (takes a string value)"
	--show "show the selected deployment's details (takes a string value)"
	--config "path to remote config file (takes a string value & has default `config.yml`"
	--org "the target org in github (takes a string value)"
	--repo "the target repo in github (takes a string value)"
	--branch "the target branch in your github repo (takes a string value)"
	--url "the target github base url (takes a string value & defaults to"
	--token "the oauth token for your github account (uses GH_TOKEN Env var by default)"
	--cfuser "the cf username to use when logging in to the deployment target (uses CF_USER Env var by default)"
	--cfpass "the cf user's password to use when logging in to the deployment target (uses CF_PASS Env var by default)"
	--no-manifest "allows the user to not have the plugin auto append a `-f <manifest.yml>` to the given command

sample calls

#List available apps to deploy
$ cf cloud-deploy --list --org xchapter7x --repo deploycloud --branch master

#Show details of deployment
$ cf cloud-deploy --show myapp.development --org xchapter7x --repo deploycloud --branch master

#Run an available application deployment
$ cf cloud-deploy --run myapp.development --org xchapter7x --repo deploycloud --branch master

Env Var powered

by setting the following env vars you can avoid the need to pass them into the cli

`GH_TOKEN` - env var name to store your github oauth token
`CF_USER` - env var name to store your cf user
`CF_PASS` - env var name to store your cf user's password

Repo Structure

By default the plugin will look for a config.yml file in the root of the given repo. You can overwrite this default by passing the --config flag to the plugin with the relative path of the config in the repo

Sample Config Repo

** Sample repo to use as reference **

Config file Structure


  #an application record
    #list of deployments associated with this app
      # one of the deployement details records
      - name: development #name of deployment
        url: #url to target during push
        org: myorg # org to target during push
        space: thespace # space to target during push
        path: myapp1/development #path to desired manifest (relative to the root of this repo)
        push_cmd: cf push appname -i 2 #push command to execute (note: the above manifest will be used via a added `-f`, so dont add it here)
      # another deployment definition for the myapp1 application
      - name: production
        org: myorg
        space: prodspace
        path: myapp1/production
        push_cmd: cf push-zdd appname_prod -i 8
      - name: dev
        org: otherorg
        space: otherspace
        path: myotherapp/development
        push_cmd: cf push appname_dev -i 2