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Translate Vim's awkward E480 stack trace into a clean error message
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xolox committed Sep 2, 2013
1 parent 1e55003 commit 14838be
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 30 deletions.
64 changes: 34 additions & 30 deletions autoload/xolox/notes.vim
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
" Note: This file is encoded in UTF-8 including a byte order mark so
" that Vim loads the script using the right encoding transparently.

let g:xolox#notes#version = '0.23.3'
let g:xolox#notes#version = '0.23.4'
let g:xolox#notes#url_pattern = '\<\(mailto:\|javascript:\|\w\{3,}://\)\(\S*\w\)\+/\?'
let s:scriptdir = expand('<sfile>:p:h')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,38 +430,42 @@ endfunction

function! xolox#notes#search(bang, input) " {{{1
" Search all notes for the pattern or keywords {input} (current word if none given).
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
let input = a:input
if input == ''
let input = s:tag_under_cursor()
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
let input = a:input
if input == ''
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("notes.vim %s: No string under cursor", g:xolox#notes#version)
let input = s:tag_under_cursor()
if input == ''
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("notes.vim %s: No string under cursor", g:xolox#notes#version)
if input =~ '^/.\+/$'
call s:internal_search(a:bang, input, '', '')
call s:set_quickfix_title([], input)
let keywords = split(input)
let all_keywords = s:match_all_keywords(keywords)
let any_keyword = s:match_any_keyword(keywords)
call s:internal_search(a:bang, all_keywords, input, any_keyword)
if &buftype == 'quickfix'
" Enable line wrapping in the quick-fix window.
setlocal wrap
" Resize the quick-fix window to 1/3 of the screen height.
let max_height = &lines / 3
execute 'resize' max_height
" Make it smaller if the content doesn't fill the window.
normal G$
let preferred_height = winline()
execute 'resize' min([max_height, preferred_height])
normal gg
call s:set_quickfix_title(keywords, '')
if input =~ '^/.\+/$'
call s:internal_search(a:bang, input, '', '')
call s:set_quickfix_title([], input)
let keywords = split(input)
let all_keywords = s:match_all_keywords(keywords)
let any_keyword = s:match_any_keyword(keywords)
call s:internal_search(a:bang, all_keywords, input, any_keyword)
if &buftype == 'quickfix'
" Enable line wrapping in the quick-fix window.
setlocal wrap
" Resize the quick-fix window to 1/3 of the screen height.
let max_height = &lines / 3
execute 'resize' max_height
" Make it smaller if the content doesn't fill the window.
normal G$
let preferred_height = winline()
execute 'resize' min([max_height, preferred_height])
normal gg
call s:set_quickfix_title(keywords, '')
call xolox#misc#timer#stop("notes.vim %s: Searched notes in %s.", g:xolox#notes#version, starttime)
call xolox#misc#timer#stop("notes.vim %s: Searched notes in %s.", g:xolox#notes#version, starttime)
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E480/
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("notes.vim %s: No matches", g:xolox#notes#version)

function! s:tag_under_cursor() " {{{2
Expand Down

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