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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 20, 2024. It is now read-only.


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0. xrootd-ceph is a OSS layer XRootD plug-in for interfacing with Ceph storage 
   platform. The plug-in has to be build against respective Ceph version, the
   repository can be found at:{ceph-release}/{distro}/$basearch

1. S U P P O R T E D   O P E R A T I N G   S Y S T E M S

   XRootD is supported on the following platforms:

  * RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 and derivatives (Scientific Linux)
    compiled with gcc

2. B U I L D   I N S T R U C T I O N S

2.1 Build system

  xrootd-ceph uses CMake to handle the build process. Please use CMake version 3 or greater (e.g. cmake3).

2.2 Build steps

  * Create an empty build directory:

    mkdir build
    cd build

  * Ensure that the correct plugin version number is set in cmake/XRootDDefaults.cmake: 
      define_default( PLUGIN_VERSION  5 )

  * Generate the build system files using cmake, ie:

    cmake /path/to/the/xrootd-ceph/source -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/xrootd

  * Build the source:


  * Install the shared libraries:

    make install