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Objective-C API wrapper for AlphaSMS service. AlphaSMS provides technical platform and software for sending different types of Short Messages (SMS) in Ukraine, Russia and all over the world.

Current release is based on XML POST v1.5 protocol. Full protocol description is available as PDF document (in russian). For more technical details look the official TechDoc page.


  • iOS 5.0 and greater (4.3 should work too with proper version of AFNetworking)
  • ARC

If you wish to use AlphaSMSKit in a non-ARC project, just add the -fobjc-arc compiler flag to all AlphaSMS.m* classes.


  • send SMS, wap-push, flash and voice messages
  • check message status
  • delete scheduled messages
  • check current balance
  • get price for sending SMS to given phone numbers

How to get started


Download the AlphaSMSKit folder and add it to your project.


AlphaSMSKit requires the following libraries:

You can install those dependencies by copying files to your project or via Cocoapods by adding the following lines to your Podfile:

pod "AFNetworking", "1.3.3"
pod "XMLDictionary", "1.3"

Note that if you want to target iOS 5 you have to use AFNetworking version 1.x (while te latest 2.x does not support iOS 5). For iOS 4.3 compatibility use lates 0.10.x AFNetworking version.

Include header file

Put the following declaration to the top of *.m file where you intend to use AlphaSMSKit:

#import "AlphaSMSKit.h"


To use AlphaSMS backend via API your secret key needs to be passed with each call. To find your secret key log in to AlphaSMS and open Account configuration page - your key should be listed on "API" tab.

Before making calls put put the following code where it is appropriate (to yout AppDelegate.m or your ViewController's viewDidLoad method, for example) and replace SECRET_KEY with your proper key value:

[AlphaSMSKit setSecretKey:@"SECRET_KEY"];

Now you're ready to make API calls.


AlphaSMSKit uses the such helper classes for manipulating messages, statuses and requests:

  • AlphaSMSMessage - used to configure messages to be sent
  • AlphaSMSMessageStatus - returned as result after sending/deleting/quering for message status
  • AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest - used for configuring message delete/status requests


AlphaSMSMessage class generally describes SMS message using the following structure:

// message type
@property (nonatomic) AlphaSMSMessageType type;

// some message unique identifier (optional, if set by user - user must 
// guarantee the id is unique for user's account scope)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *messageId;

// recipient phone number, can include "+" (max length: 21 symbols)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *recipient;

// sender signature (max length: 11 symbols)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *sender;

// message text
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *text;

// date when message needs to be sent (optional)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *scheduleDate;

// date of message expiration (if was scheduled)
// (min: 1 minute, max: 5 days from being sent, default: 1 day)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *expirationDate;

// URL link for wap-push messages
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *wapURL;

To create different types of messages use AlphaSMSMessageType values:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, AlphaSMSMessageType)
    AlphaSMSMessageTypeSMS      =   0,  // standard SMS message
    AlphaSMSMessageTypeFlash    =   1,  // flash message
    AlphaSMSMessageTypeWapPush  =   2,  // wap-push message
    AlphaSMSMessageTypeVoice    =   3   // voice message (only for Ukrainian city phone numbers)

To quickly configure AlphaSMSMessage use one of the following helper methods:

// setup message for sending immediately with default expiration date (1 day)
+ (AlphaSMSMessage *)messageWithText:(NSString *)text 
                           recipient:(NSString *)recipient 
                              sender:(NSString *)sender;

// setup message for sending at given date with given expiration period
+ (AlphaSMSMessage *)messageWithText:(NSString *)text 
                           recipient:(NSString *)recipient 
                              sender:(NSString *)sender 
                        scheduleDate:(NSDate *)scheduleDate 
                      expirationDate:(NSDate *)expirationDate;

// setup wap-push message for sending immediately with default expiration date (1 day)
+ (AlphaSMSMessage *)wapMessageWithText:(NSString *)text 
                                 wapURL:(NSString *)wapURL 
                              recipient:(NSString *)recipient 
                                 sender:(NSString *)sender;

// setup wap-push message for sending at given date with given expiration period
+ (AlphaSMSMessage *)wapMessageWithText:(NSString *)text 
                                 wapURL:(NSString *)wapURL 
                              recipient:(NSString *)recipient 
                                 sender:(NSString *)sender 
                           scheduleDate:(NSDate *)scheduleDate 
                         expirationDate:(NSDate *)expirationDate;


AlphaSMSMessageStatus class describes message status received after calling send/delete/status methods. It has the following structure:

// message status code
@property (nonatomic, readonly) AlphaSMSMessageStatusCode statusCode;

// message identifier (set manually by user when sending message)
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *messageId;

// message identifier (set by SMS gateway automatically)
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *gatewayMessageId;

// actual SMS parts to be sent
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *smsCount;

// date when message final status was set
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDate *completionDate;

// YES when message status code is one of 20X error codes
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isError;

AlphaSMSMessageStatusCode is used to determine current message status or error type (look to the PDF docs or source code to find more descriptions for status code values).


AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest is used to pass to API the information about messages which statuses we want to receive. Structure:

// message identifier (one that set manually by user when sending message)
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *messageId;          

// message identifier (one that set by SMS gateway automatically)
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *gatewayMessageId;

To quickly configure AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest use one of the following helper methods:

// setup message status request by given message ID
+ (AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest *)messageStatusRequestWithMessageId:(NSNumber *)messageId;

// setup message status request by given gateway message ID
+ (AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest *)messageStatusRequestWithGatewayMessageId:(NSNumber *)gatewayMessageId;


Send SMS messages

To send SMS message (you can send one or more per one call) use the following method:

+(void)sendMessages:(NSArray *)messages 
            success:(void (^)(NSArray *messageStatuses))success 
            failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

(NSArray *)messages is an array containing one or more instances of AlphaSMSMessage.

Resulting (NSArray *)messageStatuses is an array containing one or more instances of AlphaSMSMessageStatus.

Example code for sending standard SMS message:

//setup message
AlphaSMSMessage *message = [AlphaSMSMessage messageWithText:@"Some text message" 
//send it    
[AlphaSMSKit sendMessages:@[message1] success:^(NSArray *messageStatuses) { 
    NSLog(@"Response: %@", messageStatuses); 
} failure:^(NSError *error) { 
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);

Delete SMS messages

To delete message (one or more per call) use the following method:

+ (void)deleteMessages:(NSArray *)messageRequests 
              success:(void (^)(NSArray *messageStatuses))success 
              failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

(NSArray *)messageRequests is an array containing one or more instances of AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest.

Resulting (NSArray *)messageStatuses is an array containing one or more instances of AlphaSMSMessageStatus.

Example code for sending standard SMS message:

//use previously saved message ID (for example, "112233") to setup message status request
AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest *statusRequest = [AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest messageStatusRequestWithGatewayMessageId:@[112233]];
//delete message and get it's status
[AlphaSMSKit deleteMessages:@[statusRequest] success:^(NSArray *messageStatuses) {
    NSLog(@"Response: %@", messageStatuses);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);

Query for message status

To determine current message status (one or more per call) use the following method:

+ (void)getMessageStatuses:(NSArray *)messageRequests 
                   success:(void (^)(NSArray *messageStatuses))success 
                   failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

(NSArray *)messageRequests is an array containing one or more instances of AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest.

Resulting (NSArray *)messageStatuses is an array containing one or more instances of AlphaSMSMessageStatus.

Example code for sending standard SMS message:

//use previously saved message ID (for example, "112233") to setup message status request
AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest *statusRequest = [AlphaSMSMessageStatusRequest messageStatusRequestWithGatewayMessageId:@[112233]];
//get message status
[AlphaSMSKit getMessageStatuses:@[statusRequest] success:^(NSArray *messageStatuses) {
    NSLog(@"Response: %@", messageStatuses);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);

Check user's balance

To get the current available amount on your balance use the following method:

+ (void)getBalanceWithSuccess:(void (^)(NSNumber *amount, NSString *currency))success 
                      failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

NSNumber *amount is a available money amount, NSString *currency is a string describing used currency.

Get price for sending SMS to desired phone numbers

To get the actual prices for sending SMS to some phone number(s) use the following method:

+ (void)getPriceForNumbers:(NSArray *)numbers 
                   success:(void (^)(NSArray *prices))success 
                   failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

(NSArray *)numbers is an array of phone numbers (strings) to get prices for.

On success you'll get (NSArray *)prices - array of NSDictionary objects with corresponding keys:

  • "price" for actual price, (NSNumber *)
  • "currency" for currency, (NSString *)
  • "phone" for phone number price was retrieved for, (NSString *)

Demo project

For demo and more details please check the included AlphaSMSKitExample example project.

Demo project


AlphaSMSKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Objective-C API wrapper for AlphaSMS service (







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