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yangke edited this page Feb 14, 2015 · 7 revisions



This program implements the missing check detection method named "Chucky". Chucky statically taints source code and identifies anomalous or missing conditions linked to security-critical objects. Chucky analyzes functions for anomalies. To this end, the usage of symbols used by a function is analyzed by comparing the checks used in conjunction with the symbol with those used in similar functions. Consult here for more detail document.


This version is for Debian & Ubuntu Linux only.

Fetch and Installation

Run the following command in the terminal: From GIT repository first run

$ sudo apt-get install git #skip this command if you have git already installed
$ git clone


Suppose we have already parse the code and we have configured and started the neo4j database service. (For parsing the code and database configuration please refer to the document of joern. Don't worry, the Following quick start example will also mention a little about this.)

$ cd chucky-ng/chucky
$ python  [-h] [-f FUNCTION] [--callee CALLEES [CALLEES ...]]
             [-p PARAMETERS [PARAMETERS ...]]
             [-var VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...]] -n N_NEIGHBORS
             [-c CHUCKY_DIR] [-o OUTPUT_REPORT_DIRECTORY] [-r]
             [--interactive] [-l LIMIT] [-d | -v | -q]

Example 1:

$ python --parameter length -n 25 --interactive 

Example 2:

$ python --p length --callee png_free --var slength -n 3 -l png_handle_sCAL -r

positional arguments:

identifier          The name of the identifier (function name or
                    source/sink name)

optional arguments:

-h, --help          show this help message and exit
-f FUNCTION, --function FUNCTION
                    Specify the function to analysis. If this option is
                    configured, the analysis will only perform on this
-n N_NEIGHBORS, --n-neighbors N_NEIGHBORS
                    Number of neighbours to consider for neighborhood
-c CHUCKY_DIR, --chucky-dir CHUCKY_DIR
                    The directory holding chucky's data such as cached
                    symbol embeddings and possible annotations of sources
                    and sinks.
                    The report output directory of chucky. For each target
                    function under analyzationthe. Chucky will generate a
                    detail report.
-r, --report          Output the detail report for each function under

--interactive         Enable interactive mode.
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                    Limit analysis to functions with given name
-d, --debug         Enable debug output.
-v, --verbose       Increase verbosity.
-q, --quiet         Be quiet during processing.


--callee CALLEES [CALLEES ...]
                    Specify the identifier name of callee type source/sink
                    Specify the identifier name of parameter type
                    Specify the identifier name of variable type

A Quick Start Example.

Suppose we are the planning to analyse the code of image processing library LibPNG(version 1.2.44). Download and extract the the source code of libPNG.

$ wget
$ tar xvzf libpng-1.2.44.tar.gz

Generate the graph database.

$ joern libpng-1.2.44

A hidden directory .joernIndex will be generated under the current directory(suppose it is $TEST).

Configure the graph database server Neo4j.

Assume $NEO4J_HOME is the install directory of your Neo4j(Note that current joern only support 1.9.* version serials). Edit the file $NEO4J_HOME/conf/ Take neo4j-1.9.7 as an example, you should open the file neo4j-1.9.7/conf/ Then change




and save it. Start Neo4j database.

$ $NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j start

Go to your chucky directory(chucky-ng/chucky) and run a chucky analysis.

$python --parameter length -n 25 |sort -r -k1

Then Chucky will generate the report to the screen.

0.88000	process_data                  	    132644	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	length	0.983107493958	1.0	1.0	2	1.0	1.0	0.815409836066	libpng-1.2.44/example.c:456:0:16681:17622
0.88000	png_write_chunk_start         	     21892	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	length	0.975450572893	0.928054375804	0.704646464646	2	1.0	1.0	0.816124031008	libpng-1.2.44/pngwutil.c:98:0:3409:4075
0.88000	png_handle_sCAL               	      7855	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	length	0.63227508134	0.507639451767	0.172121212121	2	0.945813565657	0.828125819558	0.872698412698	libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1784:0:52039:56355
0.88000	png_handle_pCAL               	      7142	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	length	0.617219406464	0.511462981179	0.172121212121	2	0.977463152359	0.937841008024	1.11206349206	libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1650:0:47947:51972
0.88000	png_handle_hIST               	      6432	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	length	0.600609501799	0.522933569414	0.172121212121	2	0.975361631577	0.931775770766	0.905714285714	libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1509:0:44387:45688
0.48000	png_push_handle_zTXt          	    130041	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	( length $CMP $NUM )	0.804980702214	0.616538090133	0.799191919192	2	0.587308060203	0.276431948855	0.444031007752	libpng-1.2.44/pngpread.c:1303:0:35814:36896
0.48000	png_push_handle_tEXt          	    129600	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	( length $CMP $NUM )	0.707602959945	0.617204380364	0.799191919192	2	0.587308060203	0.276431948855	0.444031007752	libpng-1.2.44/pngpread.c:1205:0:33161:34165
0.48000	png_push_handle_iTXt          	    130979	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	( length $CMP $NUM )	0.707602959945	0.609186311476	0.799191919192	2	0.587308060203	0.276431948855	0.444031007752	libpng-1.2.44/pngpread.c:1504:0:41498:42502
0.48000	png_handle_zTXt               	      9120	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	( length $CMP $NUM )	0.534132372523	0.505309332701	0.172121212121	2	0.726729651309	0.435784343492	0.535555555556	libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:2087:0:60146:63431
0.48000	png_handle_tEXt               	      8636	Parameter	png_uint_32	length	( length $CMP $NUM )	0.550960876087	0.503936396174	0.172121212121	2	0.720901333618	0.424754228003	0.527301587302	libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1984:0:57502:60030

Following table explains some of the key column.

column 1 column 2 column 3 column 6 column 7 column 15
anomaly score function name node id query symbol sinificant missing symbol function location
0.88000 png_handle_sCAL 7855 length length libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1784:0:52039:56355

For the vulnerable function png_handle_sCAL as reported in CVE-2011-2692, we can see from the result that it is ranked in top 5(all the top 5 functions have the highest anomaly score 0.88). This is because most of the similar functions(the first column shows the percentage) perform the check for the parameter length, howerver, png_handle_sCAL doesn't check it. We call these functions neighborhoods of png_handle_sCAL. Chucky is a efficient tool for checking such statistically significant missing case.

For the orginal idea, you can refer to Chucky: Exposing Missing Checks in Source Code for Vulnerability Discovery Fabian Yamaguchi, Christian Wressnegger, Hugo Gascon, and K. Rieck ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)

This modified version of Chucky is based on the original version written by Alwin Maier and Fabian Yamaguchi.

About the Modification.

  1. Refactor to clean the middle code.
    • Replace sally embedding module by pure python(transplant the code witten by Fabian) to remove the data exchange cost on disk.
    • Fix some bug and make it more robust.
  2. Rewirte the KNN class to support the neighborhood selection strategy:
    • Leverage name(file name or function name) information and caller set information when it's usefull.
    • Kick some name irrelevant functions out, and set a robust multiselective threshold for the recomandation of good candidate.
  3. Add multi-source/sink support.
    • Design a new option set for user to specify the multi-source/sink.
    • Use the combination of source/sink as the key feature to find candidate neighborhood.
    • Use the union of the tainted condition features as the condition embedding feature.
    • Refactor the job generation.
  4. Add a report module to show the detail report.

For more information or bug report please do not hesitate to contact me. Ke Yang(

Still trying to update the wiki document.