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Releases: yannabraham/Radviz

Interactive visualizations and better scaling

28 Mar 06:37
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  • changed some defaults in the plotting function to enable interactive visualitations through plotly
  • added a scaling factor to the do.radviz function to counteract the compressing effect of a large number of springs
  • plotting functions now use plot.radviz internally to avoid code duplication
  • cleaned up links in the documentation

Bug fixes & minor improvements

25 Jun 13:34
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This release fixes the errors related to hexbin and Rcpp imports. Additionally springs now returns the anchor matrix rather than simply the anchor names, to make it better compatible with Freeviz and Graphviz.


20 Mar 11:19
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We implemented the Freeviz anchor optimization method, which is based on maximizing the separation between known classes. We used the same underlying principles to create Graphviz, a new graph layout algorithm that plots a graph in the context of any data available at the vertex level.

Tweaks and Fixes

04 Feb 13:20
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  • Fixed a bug related to arguments in smoothRadviz
  • Fixed a bug in do.L where NA is returned if the column contains a single value after transformation
  • Fixed a bug in do.radviz where creating Radviz objects from tbl_df could throw an error

minor bug fixes and enhancements

10 Jan 17:00
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This release includes a couple of minor bug fixes and enhancements, following the transition to ggplot2.

ggplot2 version of Radviz

18 Dec 15:55
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This version of Radviz implements the major plot methods from the original package using ggplot2, enabling simpler faceting and coloring.

Package is released on CRAN

08 Dec 16:36
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v0.7.0 includes everything required to produce Radviz plots in the context of High Dimensional Single Cell Analysis for mass and flow cytometry data