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VideoQuotes is all about sharing video scenes and quotes from Youtube channels; this lets people share their favourite video quotes from TV interviews and shows.


Interesting sites like BrainyQuote, grabyo, QuoteFancy, Movictopus, HaikQuotes and even the The Economist sometimes; that are citing from real and even fictional characters, coming from different different eras and that's where I thought of adding audio/video




  • The backend is currently implemented in Spring Boot
  • The frontend is currently implemented in Vue


All configurations are extracted from environment variables (or configmaps) You'll need to change properties in the following files:

Run on Docker/Compose:

Docker (and docker-compose) is being used for development and production, in both of the backend and frontend.

  • In development environment, the frontend image watches over file change and rebuilds the JavaScript bundle file then refreshs the browser page. In the backend, it uses a monostage docker image and caches the maven .m2 direcotry (still needs a restart on file change)

  • In production, multi-stage images are build, no watching over file-change and only the nessascry parts are being used; for example, in the 2nd stage docker container, there'll be no NPM/NodeJS but just the bundled JS/Assets files hosted on NGINX

  • To run the development environment: docker-compose up database dev-backend dev-frontend

  • To run the production environment: docker-compose up database dev-backend dev-frontend


Currently I'm pushing the docker image to Heroku, see docs and then it must be marked for "release", either thru the commandline or API.

IMAGE="videoquotes_backend"; #TODO
APP="videoquotes"; #TODO
docker push$APP/$PROCESS_TYPE

CI/CD & Actions

For now, I have 2 actions, one for building and pushing the backend image to Heroku, the other is to build the frontend.



deploy/ generates Public/Private keys for the OAuth2/JWT (check experiment-spring-oauth2-jwt for more details)

TODO: will add more details later on