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Strongman Tracker

Client uses React, Typescript, Webpack, Material UI

The following steps assume the dev machine is an Apple Silicon Mac

If that is not the case, qemu can be used to emulate ARM64, and minikube can be used in place of Docker Desktop.

Running Locally

Webpack Dev Server

  1. npm install to install dependencies
  2. npm run dev to run, on localhost:8081
    • Assumes the API is running on :8080, and proxies to that

Docker Desktop K8s

Starting Up

  1. Make sure Docker Desktop is running, including K8s
  2. npm run kubelocal:start does everything necessary to deploy the app in docker-desktop-k8s
    1. Builds the frontend, placing it in ./dist
    2. Builds the docker image
    3. Creates the deployment
    4. Opens the running service at localhost:32323

Shutting Down

  1. npm run kubelocal:stop deletes the deployment


  1. Commit the ready-to-be-released code to develop
  2. Run npm version to:
    1. Update version in package.json
    2. Push to develop with git tag
    3. Build, tag and push the docker image to Docker Hub
    4. Rollout deployment on cluster