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zyxist edited this page Sep 6, 2010 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Trinity wiki! It contains some useful information about this project.

Please note that this is an experimental project that aims to test framework design concepts and it is not indented to be used in production systems. Some parts of the API still do change, and some pieces of the code are neither optimized nor use cache yet. You have been warned, you use it for your own responsibility.


  1. Installing Trinity
  2. Upgrading Trinity
  3. Getting started

Concepts explained

  1. The MVC design pattern (the real one)
  2. Event-driven programming
  3. Trinity modules and areas
  4. Trinity bricks
  5. External libraries

Trinity internals

  1. Architecture overview
  2. Service locator
  3. MVC implementation
  4. Controller types
  5. Working with Trinity views