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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
The hpc-social resources provide an open platform for community engagement, including a variety of open source work on code and resources hosted on the domain and associated community capabilities.
AMPHP (Asynchronous Multitasking PHP) is a framework for writing non-blocking, concurrent code in PHP.
CodeYourFuture is a community-driven digital skills school that offers refugees and underprivileged groups the training they need to gain employment and lead a thriving life.
NgRx is a framework for building reactive applications in Angular.
Hi! 👋 My name is Sandro Gehri, and I am working already for more than 15 years with PHP. I'm a big fan of Laravel and the surrounding community.
My name is Kelly. I write tools for WordPress with the @roots team and make websites and apps for American antifascists with @pixelcollective.
Support my open-source work. While I do many private work-for-hire projects, I like to give back to the community with open-source projects. Help me spend more time on open-source!
Reactive Marbles is owned and operated by the ReactiveUI Association, Inc. We are an organization committed to maintaining ReactiveUI and teaching Reactive Programming for application development in .NET
I'm Riley Labrecque, the creator of Steamworks .NET, a bridge between C#/.NET applications and Steam. Donate to keep this project going!
I'm an expat and a professional IT software architect / -engineer with focus on the Java ecosystem. I love to help with useful utilities and maker projects to make life easier :)
Support our work on Darklang, a platform to make it as easy as possible to code backends, including features that don't exist in any other language or platform: - invisible infrastructure - "deployless" code deployment - Trace-Driven development
20+ year full-stack Linux distribution, kernel, C libraries, compiler,, developer now also doing a bit of FPGA and new educational micro-kernel, low-level drivers and graphic acceleration code. Also RISCV, PS3, Sgi Octane and UltraSPARC ;-)
Coding Garden is a Twitch / YouTube channel with weekly live streams, where CJ teaches, learns, builds and hangs out with fellow coders of all types and backgrounds. All code written on stream is released on github under the MIT license.
I am a passionate web developer, open source enthusiast and blogger with a high focus on the user experience (UX). I am always open and interested in new technologies and frameworks.
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