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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug 🐞
bug :lady_beetle:
Something isn't working
computer vision 👁️
computer vision :eye:
Computer vision related tasks
debug 🔍
debug :mag:
Debug related tasks
documentation 📚
documentation :books:
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate 🧦
duplicate :socks:
This issue or pull request already exists
feature ✨
feature :sparkles:
New feature or request
good first issue 🔰
good first issue :beginner:
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
Extra attention is needed
image processing 🖼️
image processing :framed_picture:
Image processing related tasks
improvement 🏋️
improvement :weight_lifting:
Improvement to something that already exists
invalid 🙅‍♂️
invalid :no_good_man:
This doesn't seem right
motor control 🦼
motor control :motorized_wheelchair:
Motor control related tasks
operating system 💻
operating system :computer:
Operating system related tasks
question ❓
question :question:
Further information is requested
research 👩‍🔬
research :woman_scientist:
Research related tasks
user interface 🎛️
user interface :control_knobs:
User interface related tasks
wontfix 🛑
wontfix :stop_sign:
This will not be worked on