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Introduced Cloud-Orchestration and Scalable Loading and Maintaining Components

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@perdelt perdelt released this 18 Oct 12:19
· 40 commits to master since this release
V0.6.0 Introduced Cloud-Orchestration and Scalable Loading and Mainta…

…ining Components (#102)

* Prepare next release

* Masterscript: maintaining does not change timer settings of benchmarker

* Masterscript: reconnect and try again, if not failed due to "not found"

* Masterscript: improved output about workflow

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup scale

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup get size

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup wait for size

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup show size

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup show and check size

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup name and type

* Masterscript: aws example dict of nodegroups

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup name necessary for scaling

* Masterscript: aws example nodegroup name and type

* Masterscript: maintaining duration default 4h

* Masterscript: maintaining parameters and nodeSelector

* Masterscript: nodeSelector for sut, monitoring and benchmarker

* Masterscript: maintaining is accepted running also when num_maintaining=0

* Masterscript: request resources from command line

* Masterscript: prepare max_sut per cluster and per experiment

* Masterscript: catch json exception in getNode()

* Masterscript: maintaining example TSBS as experiment setup

* Masterscript: jobtemplate_maintaining per experiment

* Masterscript: initContainers in maintaining

* Masterscript: maintaining also watches succeeded pods

* Masterscript: maintaining also respects (longly) pending pods

* Masterscript: loading pods controlled by redis queue

* Masterscript: loading pods controlled by redis queue, include params

* Masterscript: initContainers parameters set correctly

* Masterscript: Stop also loading jobs and pods

* Masterscript: Number of parallel loaders

* Masterscript: Empty schema before loading pods

* Masterscript: Stop also loading jobs and pods when putting sut down

* Masterscript: Loading only finished, when outside and inside cluster are done

* Masterscript: Stop also loading jobs and pods - in all configurations

* Masterscript: Stop also loading jobs and pods - in all configurations (config, experiment, cluster)

* Masterscript: Check status of parallel loading

* Masterscript: Job status explained

* Masterscript: Job status returns true iff all pods are completed

* Masterscript: Job status more output

* Masterscript: Job status returns true iff all pods are completed

* Masterscript: Job status returns true iff all pods are completed, then delete all loading pods

* Masterscript: Job status returns true iff all pods are completed, copy loading pods logs

* Masterscript: Copy logs of all containers of loading pods

* Masterscript: Mark SUT as loaded as soon as realizing all pods have status success - include this as timeLoading

* Masterscript: Use maintaining structure for setting loading parameters

* Masterscript: Mark SUT as loaded

* Masterscript: Mark SUT as loaded, read old labels at first

* Masterscript: Mark SUT as loaded, read old labels at first and convert to float

* Masterscript: Mark SUT as loaded, read old labels at first and convert to float, debug output

* Masterscript: Mark SUT as loaded, read old labels at first and convert to int

* Masterscript: Mark SUT as loaded, read old labels at first and convert to int, cleaned