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APRS# Can Receive Packets using APRS Internet Service

No due date 91% complete

APRS# should be able to connect to the Automatic Packet Reporting System - Internet Service, receive packets, decode them, and display them on the screen in a human-readable format.

User story

User story: "As a amateur radio operator, I want to use APRS# to connect to the APRS-IS to view messages relevant to me."

Acceptance Criteria

  • A…

APRS# should be able to connect to the Automatic Packet Reporting System - Internet Service, receive packets, decode them, and display them on the screen in a human-readable format.

User story

User story: "As a amateur radio operator, I want to use APRS# to connect to the APRS-IS to view messages relevant to me."

Acceptance Criteria

  • APRS# should be able to receive packets over the internet from the APRS-IS
  • APRS# should display received packets to the user in readable English
  • User should be able to specify packet filters on location or sending station call sign and see only packets which meet those filtering requirements