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Updated readme. Fixes for TryParse generation (now calls `TryFromVa…
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…lue` instead of `FromValue` which throws)
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SteveDunn committed Apr 11, 2023
1 parent e38a7f6 commit 4ec181c
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# Intellenum: intelligence, for your enums!

Intellenum is an open source project written in C# that provides a fast and efficient way to deal with enums.
It uses source generation to make dealing with enums faster and easier than ever.
It generates backing code for extremely fast, and allocation-free, lookups, with the `FromName` and `FromValue` methods (and the equivalent `Try...` methods).
Intellenum is an open source C# project that provides a fast and efficient way to deal with enums.
It uses source generation to that generates backing code for extremely fast, and allocation-free, lookups,
with the `FromName` and `FromValue` methods (and the equivalent `Try...` methods).

The benefits of using Intellenum over standard enums is speed for the times when you need to see if an enum has a member of a particular name or value.
Intellenum provides speed benefits over standard enums for when you need to see if an enum has a member
of a particular name or value.
Benchmarks are provided below, but here is a snippet showing the performance gains for using `IsDefined`:

| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median | Gen0 | Allocated |
Expand All @@ -31,7 +32,13 @@ Benchmarks are provided below, but here is a snippet showing the performance gai

## Usage

Using Intellenum is as easy as importing the namespace and using the provided API:
Add the NuGet package to your project:

Install-Package Intellenum

Then, using the `Intellenum` namespace, declare an enumeration like this:

Expand All @@ -42,8 +49,8 @@ public partial class CustomerType

Note that you **don't need to repeat the member name** as it is inferred from the field name at compile time. But if you
wanted a different name, you can specify it with
Note that you **don't need to repeat the member name** as it is inferred from the field name **at compile time**.
You can also supply different name, e.g.:
public static readonly CustomerType Standard = new("STD", 1);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,96 +102,178 @@ public partial class CustomerType
if(type == CustomerType.Standard) Reject();
if(type == CustomerType.Gold) Accept();
## A look at the generated code
For constant values, a switch expression is generated for `IsDefined`:

### Configuration

Each Intellenum can have it's own *optional* configuration. Configuration includes:

* The underlying type
* Any 'conversions' (Dapper, System.Text.Json, Newtonsoft.Json, etc.) - see below for more information
* Any 'customization' (for instance, treating a number as string in JSON serialization)
* The type of the exception that is thrown when validation fails

If any of those above are not specified, then global configuration is inferred. It looks like this:

public static bool IsDefined(System.Int32 value)
return value switch {
1 => true,
2 => true,
3 => true,
4 => true,
_ => false
[assembly: IntellenumDefaults(underlyingType: typeof(int), conversions: Conversions.Default)]
For `FromValue` (and `TryFromValue`), a switch statement is used:

Those again are optional. If they're not specified, then they are defaulted to:

* Underlying type = `typeof(int)`
* Conversions = `Conversions.Default` (`TypeConverter` and `System.Text.Json`)
* Customizations = `Customizations.None`

### Underlying types
Supports underlying types such as `byte`, `sbyte`, `short`, `ushort`, `int`, `uint`, `long`, `ulong`, `char`, `string`, and `bool`,

Also supports other types such as `Guid`, `DateTime`, `DateTimeOffset`, `TimeSpan`, `DateOnly`, `TimeOnly` etc.

You can also specify a custom type, e.g. `MyCustomType`. There are some restrictions for this custom type:
* It cannot be a collection
* It cannot be the same type as the enumeration itself

### Hoisting
If the underlying type implements `IComparable`, then the generated enum code will also implement `IComparable`.
It generated code will delegate to the underlying type's implementation. This means that you can use the `>` and `<`
operators on the enum type. e.g.

public static bool TryFromValue(System.Int32 value, out CustomerType member)
public partial class PlanetEnum
switch (value)
case 1:
member = CustomerType.Unspecified;
return true;
case 2:
member = CustomerType.Normal;
return true;
case 3:
member = CustomerType.Gold;
return true;
case 4:
member = CustomerType.Diamond;
return true;
member = default;
return false;
public static readonly PlanetEnum Jupiter = new(new Planet("Brown", 273_400));
public static readonly PlanetEnum Mars= new(new Planet("Red", 13_240));
public static readonly PlanetEnum Venus= new(new Planet("White", 23_622));

public record class Planet(string Colour, int CircumferenceInMiles) : IComparable<Planet>
public int CompareTo(Planet other) => CircumferenceInMiles.CompareTo(other.CircumferenceInMiles);

As an aside, we experimented with using switch expressions for this too, but they turned out to be slower (~ 2x) than normal
switch statements due to the need for having a tuple in the expression.
Console.WriteLine(PlanetEnum.Mars < PlanetEnum.Jupiter); // true
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", PlanetEnum.List().OrderDescending())); // Jupiter, Venus, Mars
Additionally, if the underlying type contains a static method named `TryParse`, then a `TryParse` method will be generated for the enum itself.
This `TryParse` method is useful if you want to find an enum by an alternative representation of its value.
The generated `TryParse` first calls the static `TryParse` on the underlying type, and then does a lookup with `TryFromValue`

The generated code look like this:
public static bool TryFromValue2(int value, out CustomerType member)
public partial class PlanetEnum
Func<(CustomerType, bool)> f = value switch
public static readonly PlanetEnum Jupiter = new(new Planet("Brown", 273_400));
public static readonly PlanetEnum Mars= new(new Planet("Red", 13_240));
public static readonly PlanetEnum Venus= new(new Planet("White", 23_622));

public record class Planet(string Colour, int CircumferenceInMiles) : IComparable<Planet>
public int CompareTo(Planet other) => CircumferenceInMiles.CompareTo(other.CircumferenceInMiles);

public static bool TryParse(string input, out Planet result)
1 => () => (CustomerType.Unspecified, true),
2 => () => (CustomerType.Normal, true),
3 => () => (CustomerType.Gold, true),
4 => () => (CustomerType.Diamond, true),
_ => () => (default, false)

var r = f();
member = r.Item1;
return r.Item2;
string pattern = "^(?<colour>[a-zA-Z]+)-(?<circumference>\\d+)$";

Match match = Regex.Match(input, pattern);

if (!match.Success)
result = default!;
return false;

string colour = match.Groups["colour"].Value;
string circumference = match.Groups["circumference"].Value;

result = new Planet(colour, Convert.ToInt32(circumference));

return true;

// the following tests pass
// this is defined
bool r = PlanetEnum.TryParse("Brown-273400", out var p);

// this is not defined
bool r = PlanetEnum.TryParse("Blue-24901", out _);
### FromName
Gets the member of the enum with the specified name. If the name is not found, then a `IntellenumMatchFailedException` exception is thrown.

_If you can think of a way of making this faster, please let us know!_
var ct = CustomerType.FromName("Gold");
Console.WriteLine(ct.ToString()); // Gold

### TryFromName
Tries to get the instance of that name. Returns `true` if the name is found, otherwise `false`. Sets the output value if found.

bool b = CustomerType.TryFromName("Gold", out var ct);
Console.WriteLine(b); // True
Console.WriteLine(ct.ToString()); // Gold

### FromValue
Tries to get the instance of that value. If not found, then a `IntellenumMatchFailedException` exception is thrown.

var ct = CustomerType.FromValue(2);
Console.WriteLine(ct.ToString()); // Gold

## Features
### TryFromValue
Tries to get the value. Returns true or false. Sets the output value if found.

* `FromName()` and `FromValue()` (and `TryFrom...`)
* Can declare members in various ways:
* attributes `[Member("Foo", 1)]`
* explicitly with `new MyEnum("Foo", 1)`
* Member method in a static constructor: `Member("Foo", 1);`
* Ability to quickly convert enums to and from strings
* Ability to quickly deconstruct enums to name and value, e.g. Deconstruct (`var (name, value) = CustomerType.Gold`)
* List items (`CustomerTypes.List()`)
bool b = CustomerType.TryFromValue(2, out var ct);
Console.WriteLine(b); // True
Console.WriteLine(ct.ToString()); // Gold
### List
Returns an `IEnumerable<T>` of all the members of the enum.

## Installation
### Deconstructing

Intellenum can be installed using NuGet:
Deconstructs an enum into it's name and value. For example:

var (name, value) = CustomerType.Gold;
Console.WriteLine(name); // Gold
Console.WriteLine(value); // 2
Install-Package Intellenum
### ToString

The `ToString` method returns the name of the enum member. For example:

Console.WriteLine(CustomerType.Gold); // Gold

### Serialization
Intellenum supports serialization to and from JSON using `System.Text.Json` and `Newtonsoft.Json`.
It also supports storing and retrieving from Dapper, EFCore and Linq2Db.

# Comparison with other libraries
The bulk of Intellenum is based on the work done for Vogen which is a source generator for value objects. One of the features of Vogen
is the ability to specify 'instances'. These instances are very similar to the members of an enum, but they are not enums.
I had a few requests to use the same source generation and analyzers used for Vogen but to generate enums instead. This is what Intellenum is.
There were a few requests to use the same source generation and analyzers used for Vogen but to generate enums instead.
This is what Intellenum is.

There are a few other libraries for dealing with enums. Some, for example, SmartEnum, declare a base class containing functionality.
Others, e.g. EnumGenerators, use attributes on standard enums to generate source code.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,9 +345,72 @@ Yes, it can. There's various ways to do this, including:

Right now, Intellenum serializes using the `Value` property just like native enums.

## A look at the generated code
For compile-time constant (and `decimal`) values, a switch expression is generated for `IsDefined`:

public static bool IsDefined(System.Int32 value)
return value switch {
1 => true,
2 => true,
3 => true,
4 => true,
_ => false
For `FromValue` (and `TryFromValue`), a switch statement is used:
public static bool TryFromValue(System.Int32 value, out CustomerType member)
switch (value)
case 1:
member = CustomerType.Unspecified;
return true;
case 2:
member = CustomerType.Normal;
return true;
case 3:
member = CustomerType.Gold;
return true;
case 4:
member = CustomerType.Diamond;
return true;
member = default;
return false;

As an aside, we experimented with using switch expressions for this too, but they turned out to be slower than normal
switch statements (about twice as slow) due to the need for having a tuple in the expression.

The generated code look like this:
public static bool TryFromValue(int value, out CustomerType member)
Func<(CustomerType, bool)> f = value switch
1 => () => (CustomerType.Unspecified, true),
2 => () => (CustomerType.Normal, true),
3 => () => (CustomerType.Gold, true),
4 => () => (CustomerType.Diamond, true),
_ => () => (default, false)

var r = f();
member = r.Item1;
return r.Item2;

_If you can think of a way of making this faster, please let us know!_

> NOTE: Intellenum is in beta at the moment; I've tested it out and I think it works. The main functionality is present and the API probably
> won't change significantly from now on. Although it's a fairly new library, it borrows a lot of code and features from [Vogen]( which
> has been in use for a while now by many projects and has lots of downloads, which should provide some confidence.
> Please feel free to try it and provide feedback.
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions samples/Intellenum.Examples/TypicalScenarios/BasicExamples.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,15 +54,16 @@ public partial class SupplierType

public partial class FooEnum
public partial class PlanetEnum
public static readonly FooEnum Item1 = new("Item1", new Foo("a", 1));
public static readonly FooEnum Item2= new("Item2", new Foo("b", 2));
public static readonly PlanetEnum Jupiter = new(new Planet("Brown", 273_400));
public static readonly PlanetEnum Mars= new(new Planet("Red", 13_240));
public static readonly PlanetEnum Venus= new(new Planet("White", 23_622));

public record class Foo(string Name, int Age) : IComparable<Foo>
public record class Planet(string Colour, int CircumferenceInMiles) : IComparable<Planet>
public int CompareTo(Foo other) => Age.CompareTo(other.Age);
public int CompareTo(Planet other) => CircumferenceInMiles.CompareTo(other.CircumferenceInMiles);

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