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The goal of this library is to make interfacing with the Arrowhead Framework easy with the ESP8266 module.

Please take a look at the examples included with this library to get an idea of how it works.


The library does require the use of these libraries, so make sure they're installed as well:

These libraries can be installed via the Library Manager. Since Arduino IDE 1.8.10, it can automatically install them.

In addition to those libraries, make sure that you have the ESP core files installed for your platform.

Generate certificate

First you should generate a p12 certificate based on this guide Then generate der certificates from it with these example commands:

openssl pkcs12 -in -out cacert.pem  -cacerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in -out clcert.pem  -clcerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in -out privkey.pem -nocerts
openssl pkcs12 -in -nocerts -out serverkey.pem
openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem

openssl x509 -in clcert.pem -out cert.der -outform DER 
openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out private.der -outform DER
openssl x509 -in cacert.pem -out ca.der -outform DER

Copy the contents of the pubkey.pem file to the sslConfig.json file (located in the data directory) as it is demonstrated in the example config file (as the value of the publicKey field).

The library will use the following certificate files: ca.der, cert.der, private.der, clcert.pem, serverkey.pem. The remaining can be deleted after the generation process.

Configure adapter

Before connecting to an Arrowhead Cloud instance, you need to specify the address of the cloud and give a name to your adapter which will identify the Arduino device in the cloud. Both can be done in the providerConfig.json file (located in the data directory).

For a use-case example please refer to the following repository: adapter-quick-demo-dev

This library uses ideas derived from:


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