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Daniel Müller edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 1 revision

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Welcome to the MailPie Wiki!

First of all, thank you for visiting this place. I hope all your open questions will be answered here. If you are missing something, just open an issue and I will add stuff here.

What is MailPie?

MailPie is a mailcatcher that works like a normal SMTP server. You can integrate MailPie within you dev environment and use it as the SMTP server for your project. Whenever your project would send an mail (like a registration mail, newsletter, forgot password, etc.), the mail will be send to MailPie which then offers you multiple ways to deal with these mails.

  • You could just ignore them and just use MailPie as a way to not implement some "allow_email_sending" switch depending on you environment.
  • Use the IMAP server within MailPie so that you can view your mails within your mail client. This has the benefit that you can check the mail styling for different mail clients.

Not yet implemented, but planned:

  • Open the web view of MailPie and view your mails within your browser.
  • Get a SpamAssasin score to check if you mail would land in the spam folder of your users.
  • Have some business logic that needs to receive mails via IMAP? Add MailPie as the IMAP Server, create a mail within the web view and receive it in you business logic like a normal mail
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