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Version 0.1

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@kreier kreier released this 24 Nov 09:10
· 58 commits to main since this release

Initial MicroPython version


You can upload the firmware with the included display driver for the st7789v using the attached esptool.exe and the firmware.bin. The command is

C:\Users\you\Downloads> .\esptool.exe --port COM6 --chip esp32 --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware.bin

Based on MicroPython v1.12 and the work of Russ Hughes library st7789_mpy this should be a good foundation to start with students on the T-Display.


The esptool.exe and firmware.bin are taken from these sources:

The original firmware with MicroPython for the ESP32 can be found at

And the display driver for the ST7789V was taken from Adafruit, then rewritten in Python by Ivan Belokobylskiy (devbis) and C and later refined and compiled into a new firmware with MicroPython v1.12 by Russ Hughes