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NuvlaEdge validation

This repository contains the source code for the NuvlaEdge validation service. The goal of the service is to execute a suite of tests over a given NuvlaEdge version. The tests are performed automatically triggered by GitHub Actions. A custom GitHub Runner managed by SixSq is used for the execution of the actions.

For details on the implemented tests, the validation framework usage, integration with GitHub CI Actions (and more) see documentation.

The current validation results can be seen here.

Repository reference

The following contains a depiction of the structure of the content files that affect the non directly associated to validation of NuvlaEdge. This includes, the testbed file description, the github action runners, etc.

The repository is structured as follows:

  • .github Contains the Github action runner workflow description to update the release of the package everytime a push is made against the main branch.
  • conf Contains both the target device configuration and the releases configuration files
  • docker_runner Contains necessary files to create the GH self-hosted runner Docker image and deployment.
  • docs Documentation related to the repository, architecture, howto's, etc.