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A privacy-focused, cross-platform, user-first and open-source alternative for Copilot on Windows.
One Next-Gen AI Chat for all your needs.

react electron nodejs python

Why PINAC Workspace ?

Leveraging multiple AI tools for your workflow sounds smart. However, does the constant context switching between them slow you down?

Experience the Next Gen AI Chat —your all-in-one chat for text generation, document summarisation, web searching, code generation, a wide range of office tools and ultimately managing all Google Workspace apps without switching apps!

View our Roadmap & Progress:

We are dedicatedly developing the app by introducing new features and optimising the user interface. Always keeping user in the first priority.


Responsive design like never before, from the narrowest screen to the full screen or half-screen, it adopted smoothly...

app screenshot

System Design (Upcoming)

design image

File Structure

Just the important part you need to get started

├── server /               # Contains Python code
|    ├── ai_models /
|    ├── google /          # Google API automation files
|    ├── configs /         # to store your secrets
|    └──           # final python script (communicate with electron's main.js)
└── src /                  # Client side files
     ├── main /            # Contains main.js file of Electron
     ├── preload /         
     └── renderer /                    # Stores React frontend files
          └── src /
               ├── App.jsx
               ├── App.css                     # All Theme's colours
               ├── assets /                    # Img, Icons, Fonts
               └── Components /                # App's components
                     ├── page_components /  
                     └── pages /

🚀 Project Setup

Here are two ways to get started !

Contributing in Just Frontend

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd 'PINAC_Workspace-2.0'
  2. Install Node dependencies

    npm install
  3. Start the App

    npm run dev

It will show a popup error at the start, bcz of a missing Python server, Just ignore it. It will not affect your development !

Full Installation for Using the App


  • Node.js
  • Python
  • OPENAI API Key or GOOGLE API KEY (which Model you want to use)
  • Internet (for now)

Recommended IDE Setup

Come to the Terminal

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd 'PINAC_Workspace-2.0'
  2. Install Node dependencies

    npm install
  3. Create virtualenv & activate it

    python -m venv .env && source .env/bin/activate
  4. Install Python dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Get your Google secret token & API Key Follow the steps in Google API Guide and get your Google secret key & place it in server/configs with the name exactly as client_secret.json.

    Now to place your OPENAI API Key and GOOGLE API KEY, create .env file in the folder server/configs and copy-paste the below line in .env:

    OPENAI_API_KEY = "<Place your OPENAI API Key here>"
    GOOGLE_API_KEY = "<Place your OPENAI API Key here>"
  6. Start the App

    npm run dev

⚠️ Warning

No proper Google Sign-In button added, you will automatically directed to the SignIn page when you run a command related to a Google App task, for only once, for the first time.

Soon we will add a Sign-In button...

💁 Contributing

Contributions to PINAC Workspace are welcome! Here’s how you can contribute:

  1. Star the repository
  2. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  3. Clone the project to your machine.
  4. Commit changes to your own branch.
  5. Push your work back up to your fork.
  6. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

📄 License

PINAC Workspace 2.0 is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

🌐 Support

If you have any support questions or to report issues, please file an issue through the GitHub issue tracker associated with the repository.

✍️ Authors and Acknowledgement

Thank you to all the contributors who have helped build and optimise the PINAC Workspace from our previous repository 'PINAC_Workspace'.