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⚡ Scotty's dotfiles

forthebadge forthebadge

chezmoi init

🚀 init

Requirements: curl, git, and go

🙈 Don't do this at home.

curl -fsLS | bash

Optionally, pass additional params to chezmoi init

curl -fsSL -O "" && chmod +x && ./ --branch <my_branch>

⚠ written solely for Linux systems

🔧 Tools of Note

project description
alacritty modern terminal emulator that comes with sensible defaults, but allows for extensive configuration
aqua declarative cli version manager
chezmoi manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely
fish smart and user-friendly command line shell
lazygit simple terminal UI for git commands
mage make/rake-like build tool using golang
neovim hyperextensible Vim-based text editor
paperwm experimental Gnome Shell extension providing scrollable tiling of windows and per monitor workspaces
starship minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! check, merge, and monitor your code
wezterm a powerful cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer
zellij terminal workspace with batteries included

🧪 Testing

Runs linter checks, go tests, and chezmoi init inside a docker container

mage check && mage test
  • Requires: docker, go, mage, trunk

📜 Terms

Use at your own risk!

♥ Credits

"Nothing is original." Especially these dotfiles. Everything included here is heavily inspired by many giants that have come before me.

Some (far from all) noteworthy sources:

⚖️ License

The code is available under the MIT license.