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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
I work on multiple WordPress plugins. _Simple History_ – a user activity feed plugin – is the most used and loved one.
We're a small team of developers building awesome applications in Elixir.
TeX (TeX Live distribution, author of tlmgr, TUG board of directors), Debian Developer (TeX, Cinnamon, Calibre, KDE/Plasma, ...), FOSSASIA Privacy Aware Smart Speaker.
Please support my open source work, so I can spend as much time as possible doing what I love: OSS!
WordPress Technical Writer & Developer and WP noteworthy contributor to the Documentation team
Support our work on Darklang, a platform to make it as easy as possible to code backends, including features that don't exist in any other language or platform: - invisible infrastructure - "deployless" code deployment - Trace-Driven development
AnyCable brings true performance, scalability, and low resource consumption to Ruby and Rails real-time applications by moving low-level WebSockets handling from Ruby to Go, but leaving all the code business logic in your app.
Zig Software Foundation promotes, protects, and advances the Zig programming language, supports and facilitates the growth of a diverse and international community of Zig programmers, and provides education and guidance to students.
I maintain a lot of libraries and tools, used by millions of developers around the globe. sponsorship is not to fund my bank account, but to encourage me to continue to create, maintain, and support the projects.
Mongoose is the most popular ODM for Node.js and MongoDB, and the most downloaded database framework on npm.
A new platform that leverages efficiency and scalability of streaming, while being cost effective and developer friendly
The Odoo Community Association, or OCA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the widespread use of Odoo and to support the collaborative development of Odoo features.
I'm a security engineer with extensive experience and management skills especially in PKI and identity.
I'm making it easier for Ruby on Rails developers to create Android and iOS apps with Turbo Native.
Author of @gomplate, a popular tool for templating. Also author of a few smaller libraries and tools, mostly written in Go.
GlobaLeaks is free, open source software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.
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