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IOFY Protocol

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This section contains details of the different endpoints available in the smart contract.

During the deployment of this smart contct, the following varianles are passed into the constructor:

constructor(address token, uint256 fee);


Syntax description
token the smart contract address of the ERC20 standard token to be used in the contract for transactions.
fee the fee value (integer) to be set. When the value is set to 100, it means that the contract will charge 1% fee.

The address that deploys the the smart contract is automatically set to be the owner() address. This is also modifyable in the contract. See Openzeppelin.

Read Methods

Find the available read methods below:

function getFee() external view returns (uint256 fee);


Syntax description
fee the fee value (integer) charged from the device owner by IOFY whenever payment is made to rent a device. When the return value is 100, it means that IOFY charges 1% fee.
function getAvailableFees() external view returns (uint256 available);


Syntax description
available the available amount (integer) accumulated by the contract from all the fees. This tells you how much revenue can be withdrawn by the admin at the current time
function getTotalRaisedInDeals() external view returns (uint256 total);


Syntax description
total the total amount (integer) raised in deals within the contract from all the deals
function getLastestOrderId() external view returns (uint256 id);


Syntax description
id the value (integer) of the ID assigned to the lastly created order in the smart contract.
struct IoTDevice {
    uint256 iotDeviceId;
    uint256 costPerHour;
    uint256 totalRaised;
    uint256 txCount;
    string cid;
    address owner;
    bool isActive;

function getIoTDevice(uint256 ioTDeviceId) external view returns (IoTDevice memory)


Syntax description
iotDeviceId id (integer) of the IoT device to query.
costPerHour the hourly cost of using the IoT device in USD of the IoT device to query.
totalRaised the total amount realized by this IoT device.
txCount the number of times this IoT device has been rented.
cid the hash string of the IoT device (From IPFS, Orbit-DB).
owner the wallet address of the owner of this IoT device.
isActive a boolean showing if the IoT device is availabe for use.
struct IoTDeviceOwner {
    uint256 totalRaised;
    uint256 totalWithdrawal;
    uint256[] ioTDeviceIds;

function getIoTOwnerInfo(address ownerAddr) external view returns (IoTDeviceOwner memory)


Syntax description
ownerAddr the wallet address to query for
totalRaised the total amount realized from all the devices owned by this owner.
totalWithdrawal the total amount of funds withdrawn by this user from their earnings
ioTDeviceIds an array of IDs of all IoT devices owned by this owner


  • To know the balance available for the ownerAddr to withdraw, you would need to use this equation: balance = totalRaised - totalWithdrawal.
struct User {
    uint256 spent;
    Order[] orders;

function getUserInfo(address userAddr) external view returns (User memory)


Syntax description
userAddr the wallet address to query for
spent the total amount spent by the user on this platform.
orders an array of Order's cerated by this user. (see next method for Order info)
struct Order {
    uint256 ioTDeviceId;
    uint256 amountPaid;
    uint256 startTimestamp;
    uint256 endTimestamp;
    address user;

function getOrderInfo(uint256 orderId) external view returns (Order memory)


Syntax description
orderId id (integer) of the order to query.
iotDeviceId id (integer) of the IoT device on this order.
amountPaid the amount paid on this order.
startTimestamp the epoch timestamp when the user's time will be activated by the IoT device
endTimestamp the epoch timestamp when the user's time will be deactivated by the IoT device
user the wallet address of the user who created this order.
function getDeviceIds() external view returns (uint256[] memory ids);


Syntax description
ids an array of created device IDs in order of creation

Write Methods

Here, we will split the write methods in 3 categories: Admin, Lender, Renter

    • Admin Methods
function setFee(uint256 fee) external;


Syntax description
fee the fee value (integer) to be set by the admin of the smart contract. When the value is set to 100, it means that the contract will charge 1% fee.

NOTE: This method will fail if:

  • it is executed by a non admin wallet.
function takeFee(address recipient, uint256 amount) external;


Syntax description
recipient the wallet address to receive the fee.
amount the fee amount (integer) to be set by the admin of the smart contract. When the value is set to 100, it means that the contract will charge 1% fee.

NOTE: This method will fail if:

  • it is executed by a non admin wallet.

  • recipient is a ZERO address.

  • fee is greater than what is available. See getAvailableFees().

    • Lender Methods

The lender is one who owns an IoT device and lists it inthe smart contract for renting

function createIoTDevice(string memory cid, uint256 iotDeviceId, uint256 costPerHour) external;


Syntax description
cid the hash string of the IoT device (From IPFS, Orbit-DB).
costPerHour the hourly cost of using the IoT device in USD of the IoT device to query.
iotDeviceId the id of the newly created iot device.

NOTE: This method will fail if:

  • the costPerHour is equal to 0.
function modifyIoTDevice(uint256 iotDeviceId, uint256 costPerHour, bool isActive) external;


Syntax description
iotDeviceId the IoT device id to modify.
costPerHour the hourly cost of using the IoT device in USD of the IoT device to query.
isActive if device is active or not.

NOTE: This method is used to modify 3 features at the same time. If you don't want to change the value of either costPerHour or isActive, then you MUST pass in the current value of that param as stored in the smart contract. to access this information, see getIoTDevice(uint256 ioTDeviceId).

This method will fail if:

  • executed by a different wallet other than the wallet that created this particular ioTDeviceId.
  • the costPerHour is equal to 0.
function withdraw(address recipient, uint256 amount) external;


Syntax description
recipient the wallet address to receive the fee.
amount the amount (integer) to withdraw.

NOTE: This method is used to withdraw acquired funds from owned IoT devices. It will fail if:

  • recipient is a ZERO address.

  • amount is greater than the executor's balance. See getIoTOwnerInfo(address executorAddress).

  • amount is equal to 0.

    • Renter Methods

These method(s) can be executed by users who want to rent active IoT devices.

function rentIoT(uint256 iotDeviceId, address user, uint256 amount, uint256 startsIn) external returns (uint256 start, uint256 end);


Syntax description
iotDeviceId the IoT device id to rent.
user the wallet address of the person who will use the IoT device. This will enable users to rent IoT devices for others as well.
amount the amount you wish to pay. The contract calculates the usage period based on this value, and the cost per hour set in this iotDeviceId.
startsIn this tells the contract the period to wait before starting your renting time. If you wish to start immediately, you should make this value 0.

NOTE: This method is used to rent an IoT device from the marketplace. It will fail if:

  • iotDeviceId is inactive.
  • amount is 0.
  • the smart contract does not have enough approval in the token smart contract used to make purchases.

See the guide below to properly sort out approvals:

Using the allowance, approve, and totalSupply methods in the ERC20 token contract, you need to do the folloing steps:

  1. query the allowance read method in the token contract.
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external override returns (uint256) {


Syntax description
owner the address of the user who wants to make the purchase.
spender the smart contract address of IOFY marketplace.

If the return value is less than the amount which the user wishes to pay, then the IOFY smart contract won't have the authority to withraw the amount from the user. Hence the transaction will FAIL. To avoud this, you need to take the next step.

  1. execute the approve method in the token contract.
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) {


Syntax description
spender the smart contract address of IOFY marketplace.
amount the total supply of the token. You can get this by querying totalSupply in the token contract. We want to approve the total supply so that this user (the executor) will not need to make the approve call again even when he wants to pay to rent future devices. We do this to reduce the number of times the users will have to make write transactions that require gas fees.

Mock Token Address:

Ethereum address: 0x8AD10a05189cAC762Fc74b7b3F3eFFb1BEFb8FA9

FVM address: t410frliqubiytswhml6hjn5t6px7wg7pxd5je6osqgy

Iofy Contract Address:

Ethereum address: 0xF94c74dbD81c8Bd4DB7AF4034e93BcA310ce2FCC

FVM address: t410f7fghjw6ydsf5jw326qbu5e54umim4l6mwrmlnvi


This is the smart contract repository of IOFY






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