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Using RibbonRequest APIs

allenxwang edited this page Jul 9, 2014 · 2 revisions

The following APIs are available in RibbonRequest:

T execute()

Blocking API that returns a single (or last element if there is a sequence of objects from the execution) element

Future queue()

Non blocking API that returns a Future, where its get() method is blocking and returns a single (or last element if there is a sequence of objects from the execution) element

Observable observe()

Non blocking API that returns an Observable while the execution is started asynchronously

Observable toObservable()

Non blocking API that returns an Observable. The execution is not started until the returned Observable is subscribed to.

RequestWithMetaData withMetadata()

Create a decorated RequestWithMetaData where you can call its similar blocking or non blocking APIs to get RibbonResponse, which in turn contains returned object(s) and some meta data from Hystrix execution.