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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Nuxt is an open source Web Framework based on Vue.js. Its goal is to make web development intuitive and performant with the best developer experience in mind.
I am an unusual developer, I like to produce things that disrupt major and sticky ideas. You may know some pieces of my work, like Niquests, charset-normalizer, and urllib3.future. Amongst other things.
I'm building open-source Laravel software. Most notably Laravel Boilerplate and Laravel Livewire Tables.
Hi, I'm Kim. I specialize in writing highly optimized code. My main open source projects are primesieve and primecount, which push any CPU to its limits.
Support my open-source journey and be a part of creating magic on Github. Your generosity will fuel my caffeine intake and help me code through the night 🦉.
After hours developer, creator of the GTK shell for sway called nwg-shell. Support nwg-piotr's open source work
NocoDB is the open source Airtable alternative. SaaS smart spreadsheet are highly expensive with vendor lockins. So NocoDB transforms your database into smart spreadsheet freely! And we are a tiny team working on a really big idea
I aim to help build a warming community; why not join in too!
TiDev is a non-profit software foundation founded for and focused on the long-term maintenance, support, and care of the open-source Titanium SDK and surrounding eco-system.
deSEC's mission is to enhance the security of online data transmission, by spreading the seamless use of state-of-the art encryption technology. Our main project is developing and operating a free, modern, DNSSEC-enabled, managed DNS service.
👋 there, I'm Ronald Dehuysser, an all-round developer and maker who likes to enjoy the good things in life...
since 2000 Dev, 2004 Automation, 2010 OPC UA, 2014 ISA and IIoT, 2016 B.Sc., Open Source, IEEE, 2017 own company, 2021 M.Sc., 2022 Node-RED PLUS for more Open Source in the IoT field to support technicians for IoT
Support the future of Dexie.js maintainance and development
Hey I'm Sayrix, a young developer. If you want to support me for my projects, make me a donation !
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