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Releases: theotherp/nzbhydra2


23 May 16:58
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Feature Saurori updated the CSS again. The search results table will now collapse its columns into rows on phones which should make the table actually usable there. See #947


19 May 17:18
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Feature It tooks just five years (or eight if you want to count the release of v1) but NZBHydra finally got a responsive design! Huge thanks to saurori for updating the UI code! There's still room for improvement, of course, but it's a huge step up. See #947

Fix With the update loop (see 6.2.1) for every update a new backup was created, in some cases filling the hard drive. I now make sure a backup is only created if the last one is old enough.


12 May 13:53
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Fix Unfortunately the automatic update is broken with the new wrappers introduced in 6.0.0. And I tested it so thoroughly (I thought). NZBHydra would shut down for an update but not actually update, with automatic updates resulting in a loop :-(

Fix Days without a buggy release: 0. Fix invalid link returned from DETAILS function. See #943

Fix Fix custom quick filter preselect validation. Thanks, OothecaPickle!


12 May 08:30
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Feature Support DETAILS function from Newznab API spec. See #942

Feature Option to show user agent in search history. See #940

Note I've removed the old binary of the linux wrapper. It was always a bit hard to get it running and it's easier to just run the python wrapper file directly.


01 Apr 09:27
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Feature I've completely rewritten the wrapper for windows. It's not a packaged python script anymore but an actually compiled binary. This has a couple of benefits: No more false positives from virus scanners (VirusTotal shows 5/72). No more temporary files not being cleaned up after a crash. The files are (a bit) smaller.
I don't plan to compile the wrapper for anything but windows as it makes more sense and is easier to run the python wrapper instead.

Feature The temp folder can be set using the environment variable NZBHYDRA_TEMP_FOLDER. See #984

Fix IPs or usernames were not shown in the history. See #932

Fix Removed annoying and misleading warning regarding memory leaks when shutting down process.

Fix Improved logging of outdated wrappers.

Fix Properly remove system tray icon after shutdown


23 Mar 13:57
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v5.3.11 (2024-03-23)

Feature Support NZBIndex API. I'm honestly not sure if there's a difference in the results but you'll be able to get more than 250 results. See #930

Fix Delete temporary file created during backup. See #931


18 Mar 15:02
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v5.3.10 (2024-03-18)

Fix 5.3.9 didn't start properly. Sorry...


18 Feb 08:10
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v5.3.8 (2024-02-18)

Fix When configuring external tools a trailing slash in the host value (e.g. http://localhost:1234/) would result in an error.

Note With the release of Sonarr v4 I've renamed the entry for Sonarr from v3 to v3+.


22 Jan 18:48
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v5.3.7 (2024-01-22)

Feature When you're making a search in the UI you can now choose to show the already received results. Until now you had to either wait, possibly until an indexer ran into a timeout or cancel without seeing any results at all. See #914

Feature Add option to disable open port check. See #912

Fix Fix filtering of history by time. See #913


27 Nov 18:57
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v5.3.5 (2023-11-27)

Fix The compiled python wrapper exes were unfortunately flagged as a virus / malware by some antivirus engines (wrongly, of course). Unfortunately I've been unable to find a solution that results in a flawless scan. The best I can achieve right now is getting the big ones to not flag it. I'll try to report the files as false positives. Sorry for the inconvenience. See #901