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PJ Fanning edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 13 revisions

How do I support Scala 2 Enumeration


Deserializing Option[Int], Seq[Int] and other primitive challenges

TL;DR: Add one of the reflection based extensions (see Related Projects). Or use @JsonDeserialize(contentAs = classOf[java.lang.Integer]) or @JsonDeserialize(contentAs = classOf[Int]) on the offending member.

What is happening, and why?

Scala, unlike Java, supports using primitive types as type arguments to generic classes. However, this is not supported by the JVM; there is no way to represent java.lang.List<int>, as an example. Prior to Scala 2.9, the compiler would represent Option[Int] as Option[java.lang.Integer] to the JVM, which would appear to naturally fall out of the requirement to use reference types as type parameters.

However, this led to significant problems, for example, implementing bridge methods for traits. The solution, for the time being, is that all primitive type parameters are represented as Object to the JVM. The Scala compiler uses the ScalaSignature annotation to determine what the Scala type needs to be in the cases where it matters.

Enter Jackson, which at its core is a Java library. The Scala module has informed Jackson that Option is effectively a container type, but it relies on Java reflection to determined the contained type, and comes up with Object. Jackson has rules for dealing with this situation, which dictate that the dynamic type of Object values should be the closest natural Java type for the value: java.lang.String for strings, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, or java.math.BigInteger for whole numbers, depending on what size the number fits into, and similarly java.lang.Float, java.lang.Double, or java.lang.BigDecimal for floating point values.

The Scala compiler doesn't know what evil has been done in Java-land. It "knows" the value is a primitive int even if the JVM says Object, so it attempts to cast the value to the relevant boxed type and unbox it. If the primitive type matches the type selected by Jackson, it works; otherwise the actual type protests such treatment in the form of a ClassCastException.

Scala Reflection based extensions

See Related Projects. These extensions work with jackson-module-scala v2.13 and above.

Using alternative types to Option[Int], Seq[Int]

These alternatives will work without issue.

  • Option[BigInt]
  • Option[java.lang.Integer]

JsonDeserialize annotation

The current workaround for this use case is to add the @JsonDeserialize annotation to the member being targeted (Java examples). Specifically, this annotation has a set of parameters that can be used for different situations:

  • contentAs for collections or map values
  • keyAs for Map keys

Examples of how to use this annotation can be found in the tests directory.

Registering a custom deserializer for your class.

Baeldung have some good Jackson docs. The docs focus on Java use cases but they should be usable for Scala use cases. They have one about registering a custom deserializer.

Jackson 2.13.1

jackson-module-scala 2.13.1 adds ScalaAnnotationIntrospectorModule.registerReferencedType - that can be used if you can't annotate the class. (jackson-module-scala 2.13.0 had ScalaAnnotationIntrospector.registerReferencedType but this is now deprecated in favour of the newer method.

  case class OptionLong(valueLong: Option[Long])
  case class WrappedOptionLong(text: String, wrappedLong: OptionLong)

  ScalaAnnotationIntrospectorModule.registerReferencedValueType(classOf[OptionLong], "valueLong", classOf[Long])

If you want to deserialize JSON to OptionLong or WrappedOptionLong, then this registerReferencedValueType will inform jackson-module-scala that valueLong is an optional Long - because jackson-module-scala currently can't infer this.

This the mechanism used under the hood by jackson-scala-reflect-extensions and jackson-scala3-reflection-extensions.