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little App

Esse sera o primeiro app feito en rust e typescript, o objetivo e um app que possa gerir uma base de dados em sqlite, e que possa se sincronizar com um servidor.

quer testar? vem eu te mostro por onde comeca

baixando a ultima release

compilando o projeto voce mesmi

git clone

instala as dependencias

npm i

copia o .env.example para .env e coloca as variaveis de ambiente

para a versao dev

npm t:dev

para a versao executavel

npm t:build

npm, node e rust sao necessarios para rodar o projeto


  • npm commands in readme
  • interface user
  • backend functions
  • api functions
  • testes unitarios


npm Description
npm start start your app in dev
npm run dev start dev with hot refresh
npm run build build your project, for stactic render, this command auto update patch verion in packege
npm run preview start vite preview for server your pre-build app (only host compiled)
npm run t to run tauri commands from main folder
npm run t:dev shortcut for tauri dev
npm run t:build shortcut for tauri build


if your want to use tauri app in dev and you get a blank screen please change "devPath": "" to "devPath": "http://localhost:3000" but you need to change that again every time wen you want to make a new build. (bug found here)

little tips

to optmize you binary you can try to change opt-level value to z or s in /src-tauri/cargo.toml this can reduce the final size of you binary

Some links

official tauri discord

tauri studio

tauri github

tauri rust doc


No description, website, or topics provided.






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