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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Support CodeEdit, the open source, free forever, macOS native app.
Daniel is an analyst who loves to code. Nights-and-weekends developing open source provided experience to transition to a professional software engineering position.
rclone is the most widely used cloud data migration tool. It can transfer data to and from 100s of providers. Users call rclone "The Swiss army knife of cloud storage", and "Technology indistinguishable from magic".
We're a small indie team that develops Crest, a class-leading water technology for Unity.
Infrastructure architect by profession but always consider himself as a developer and an open source enthusiast.
Open Source dies without supporters like you. Please consider sponsoring our open source and prove that companies can flourish by providing free and open source software. Your contribution makes a difference.


Support Geo's open source work on Hugo Blox Builder, the All-in-One Website Builder for Creators, which makes it easy to build and grow a beautiful site for free using Markdown blocks. Start a business or side project and grow your audience!
Ilya is writing obscure OpenStreetMap-related tools that support businesses and make the map richer.
👋 I’m Rick. I work on libraries and applications running on .NET like: Markdown Monster WebSurge LiveReload Server Westwind.AspNetCore.Markdown I also write excessively long blog posts and make very loud music that is also open source
rkyv supports the development and maintenance of rkyv, a zero-copy deserialization framework for Rust, and other projects that support and extend it.
Neatnik is a tiny software development company in Louisville, KY. We build good, fun stuff.
Encode - Collaboratively funded software development. 💚
Having (co-)authored five technical books in English, I'm considering writing a few non-technical books in the next few years, and I'd like to know how many people are interested. 写了十年代码后,换个口味写书会如何?
Software developer in the fields of web frontend, backend, machine learning andcomputer vision. A creator of "Awesome Emacs Keymap" VSCode extension (
We are a small software development company based in New Zealand. We are passionate about sharing things we learn with the community. We write articles, share code samples, post tips and work on open source projects.
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