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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Hi, I'm Adrian - game developer by day, modder and reverse engineer by night. I try to fix things.
The author of Gitoxide and maintainer of GitPython, obsessed with Rust writing high quality tooling to make developers (and my) life easier. With your help I can keep doing what I love without compromise.
CTO @ Zenfi. Developer, geek, passionate about product design, photography, mountaineering, racing drones, and traveling.
Creative Scala's goal is to make Scala fun. We do this by creating training material that introduces Scala through non-traditional means, and libraries that unleash digital creativity.
Hey! I'm a JavaScript developer/blogger at, I help out in the Node.js & JavaScript OSS communities.
As much as I love improving Filament, I have to be honest. Since I'm an indie maker, I need your support to continue working on Filament. If you rely on my work, your sponsorship would mean a lot to me.
Hi-Rez is an art + design + technology company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible today with real-time graphics on MacOS, iOS, & tvOS. We love open source and are the creators & maintainers of Satin.
Support James' open source work on osci-render. 🔊〰️This allows me to afford to experiment with new technology such as ILDA lasers and colour and brightness output, as well devote more time to development!
Stephen Cleary loves writing open-source software, with a focus on widely-applicable and helpful libraries.
Predrag is the author and maintainer of cargo-semver-checks, a linter for semantic versioning in Rust that can prevent accidental breaking changes: `cargo semver-checks && cargo publish` Support his work by sponsoring him today!
Exploring Digital Thought: A Hacker's Guide to the Future. DigitalReplica explores the concept of digital thought by hacking together existing technologies.
Chartbrew is an open-source platform that can connect directly to databases and APIs and use the data to create beautiful charts. It features a chart builder, editable dashboards, embeddable charts, query & requests editor, and team capabilities.
French developer passionate about open source and quality code. Also concerned about privacy and ecology.
Ilya is writing obscure OpenStreetMap-related tools that support businesses and make the map richer.
Kapitan is a tool to simplify your IT complexity by making use of Generators and Templates. You can use Kapitan to simply generate Kubernetes Manifests, Terraform configurations, Spinnaker pipelines, scripts, documentation, and everything else!
Fund the maintenance and development of Librum by helping us cover the server cost and allowing us to make investments into new areas of development!
Hello. I'm Ben Sampson - a web developer in the UK. I specialise in PHP and Laravel and have created a bunch of open-source packages which have been downloaded millions of times.
AnyCable brings true performance, scalability, and low resource consumption to Ruby and Rails real-time applications by moving low-level WebSockets handling from Ruby to Go, but leaving all the code business logic in your app.
The Odoo Community Association, or OCA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the widespread use of Odoo and to support the collaborative development of Odoo features.
Mun is an embeddable programming language empowering creation through iteration. Its core pillars are ahead-of-time compilation, static typing, and natively supported hot reloading for data and functions.
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