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Built In Attributes

00004707 edited this page Apr 27, 2024 · 7 revisions

These attributes are recognized by blender and used or created by objects or modifiers

Attributes that cannot be used in procedural context cannot be modified or read by Geometry Nodes setups, and are only for internal use or require specialized node to edit their value

Attributes that have a name that starts with a . are usually hidden attributes that are not visible in the attribute list



Name Description Domain Data Type Object Types Procedural Context Expected/Example Value Removable Since Removed since
position The position of vertices in a mesh or control points in a Curve POINT FLOAT_VECTOR Mesh, Curves, Point Cloud Read, Write (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) No - -
normal The normal vector of vertices in a mesh or points in a Curve POINT FLOAT_VECTOR Mesh, Curves Read only (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
The values should be in 0.0 to 1.0 range, but other values are supported as well
No - -
radius The radius of the point cloud points or curves POINT FLOAT Curves, Point Cloud Read, Write 1.0
The values are set to all splines from values at spline at index 0
Yes - -
id Unique index (auto-generated by geometry nodes) POINT INT Mesh, Curves Read, Write 1 Yes - -
velocity Motion blur velocity attribute POINT FLOAT_VECTOR Mesh, Point Cloud Read, Write (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Yes - -
rest_position The position of vertices without shape keys and modifiers POINT FLOAT_VECTOR Mesh, Curves Read, Write (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Yes - -

Mesh only

Name Description Domain Data Type Object Types Procedural Context Expected/Example Value Removable Since Removed since
material_index Index of applied material to a face FACE INT Mesh Read, Write 0 Yes - -
crease Edge Crease EDGE FLOAT Mesh Read, Write 0.0 to 1.0 Yes - -
sharp_face Flat shading of a face FACE BOOLEAN Mesh Read, Write True Yes - -
.sculpt_mask The value of mask in sculpt mode POINT FLOAT Mesh No The value should be in 0.0 to 1.0 range. Negative values multiply brush stroke strength. Yes - -
.sculpt_face_set Index of sculpt face set FACE INT Mesh No 0 Yes - -
.vs.<UVMapName> Selected Vertices in UV Editor CORNER BOOLEAN Mesh No True Yes - -
.es.<UVMapName> Selected Edges in UV Editor CORNER BOOLEAN Mesh No True Yes - -
.pn.<UVMapName> Pinned Vertices in UV Editor CORNER BOOLEAN Mesh No True Yes - -
.corner_edge Face Corner Edge Index CORNER INT Mesh No The value should contain a valid edge index Yes - -
.corner_vert Face Corner Edge Index CORNER INT Mesh No The value should contain a valid vertex index Yes - -
.edge_verts Edge Vertex Indexes EDGE FLOAT_VECTOR Mesh No The value should contain two valid indexes of vertices Yes - -
.select_edge Selected Edges in Edit Mode EDGE BOOLEAN Mesh No True Yes - -
.select_vert Selected Vertices in Edit Mode POINT BOOLEAN Mesh No True Yes - -
.select_poly Selected Faces in Edit Mode FACE BOOLEAN Mesh No True Yes - -

Curves only

Name Description Domain Data Type Object Types Procedural Context Expected/Example Value Removable Since Removed since
spline_id Unique index (auto-generated by geometry nodes) CURVE INT Curves Read, Write 1 Yes - -
resolution Number of subdivision points between two control points of a Bézier Spline/NURBs Spline CURVE INT Curves Read, Write 2 Yes - -
cyclic "Is the spline cyclic" boolean CURVE BOOLEAN Curves Read, Write True Yes - -
handle_left The position of left handle of Bézier Curve POINT FLOAT_VECTOR Curves Read, Write (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Yes - -
handle_right The position of right handle of Bézier Curve POINT FLOAT_VECTOR Curves Read, Write (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Yes - -
handle_type_left The type of left handle of a Bézier Curve POINT INT8 Curves Read, Write 0 - Free
1 - Automatic
2 - Vector
3 - Aligned
Yes - -
handle_type_right The type of right handle of a Bézier Curve POINT INT8 Curves Read, Write 0 - Free
1 - Automatic
2 - Vector
3 - Aligned
Yes - -
surface_uv_coordinate Curves attachment location to a mesh, position vector of Surface UVMap CURVE FLOAT2 Curves Read, Write (0.0, 0.0) Yes - -
surface_normal Normal vector of the surface mesh at curve root CURVE FLOAT_VECTOR Curves Read, Write (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), the values should be in 0.0 to 1.0 range Yes - -
normal_mode The mode to calculate normals of a curve (Twist Method) CURVE INT8 Curves Read, Write 0 - Minimum Twist
1 - Z Up
2 - Free
Yes - -
knots_mode NURBS Spline Knot Vector Adjustments CURVE INT8 Curves Read, Write 0 - No Bézier U, No Endpoint U
1 - Endpoint U
2 - Bézier U
3 - Bézier U, Endpoint U
Yes - -
nurbs_order NURBS Order in U Direction CURVE INT8 Curves Read, Write Value should be in 2 to 6 range Yes - -
curve_type Type of the curve: Poly, Bezier or NURBS CURVE INT8 Curves Read, Write 0 - Catmull Rom
1 - Poly
2 - Bézier
The value is set to all splines from value at spline at index 0
Yes - -
nurbs_weight Weight value of a point in NURBS Curve POINT FLOAT Curves Read, Write 1.0 Yes - -
tilt Tilt value of a spline POINT FLOAT Curves Read, Write 1.0
The attribute is removed when converting to a mesh
The value is in radians
Yes - -
.selection Selected Curves Object Points POINT BOOLEAN Curves No True Yes 3.5.0 -
color Spline Point Color POINT FLOAT_COLOR Curves Read, Write (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) Yes 3.3.0 -