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D Settings

00fox edited this page Dec 10, 2022 · 3 revisions


  • Emergency with escape: if something goes wrong, stay pushed on ESC for more than two seconds, and program will stop to interprete and doing actions as long you push it

  • Choose between preferred Sony® joypad, DirectInput or XInput, vJoy device in use

  • Choose if you want keyboard, mouse or both as source (use more ressources)

  • 'Shutdown vJoy' will disable vJoy driver aftre exiting, it will be reactivated next time or open the program, if you intend to use it, after choosing it in the XOutput tab

  • Usual Configurations

    • Mouse bypass screen dimensions is when you activate mouse to be used with in mappings and move it, mouse can bypass principal screen limits, be on a second monitor etc., or not, and stay inside
    • There is special actions to inverse temporary this choice if you let it unchecked
  • Triggers mode (only works with DS5)

    • May be used only for touch pleasure
    • But in conjunction with L2, L2LOW, L2HIGH, L2FULL (same for R2),
    • you may use distinctly 2 or 3 separate actions on the same trigger
  • You can specify a serial if you have multiple DS connected

    • or/and several copies of Ds2vJoy running
  • You can specify (reload list and clear) one or two DirectInput Device to use in a single template, if none, prefered joystick will be use

    • second source will be activated only if first source has been chosen, then you can combine two or separated joysticks in one to us ewith the program
    • the template can be edited by clicking on 'Di Device'
    • even if you need only one pad as soure, it help to use special features calculated for DS5, like two buttons simultaneously
    • to do that the program need to know which ones of your pad are which ones of DS5
    • You can save multiple templates, and laod them between modes, and each mode use his own template, so you take adventage of both systems
  • You can fix threshold of sticks, and set times more accurate to your senses

    • threshold value for axis accept a number between 0 and 128, default 8
    • values of the axis are proportional to the threshold, so the grip remains soft rather than starting abruptly, even with high threshold values
    • Simultaneous is R1L1 or R2L2 the same time (with this 40ms as default delta)
  • You can set the opacity percent while transparency is activated (right click on caption bar)

  • Multiple touchpad divide in multiple buttons,

    • But for more simple uses, there is a lot of special buttons (see Mapping)
  • Led is calm wave fluctuating, you can modify the frequency, and color can be stopped on exit

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