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Product Search REST Service - http://localhost:8080

Product Search REST Service is designed to provide following endpoints:

  • Public
    1. /allProducts - GET
    2. /product/{item} - GET
    3. /search/{text} - GET
  • Private
    1. /stop - GET
    2. /cache/use/{enabled} - GET
    3. /cache/all - GET
    4. /cache/clear - GET
    5. /documentation - GET Auto generated by Hapi-Swagger for Public endpoints




This is an endpoint that provides the list of all the product codes available on


This endpoint provides product details for a give productCode (item).


This is the endpoint, which is the primary focus of this exercise. It returns an array of Product Codes for a given search text.



As the endpoint alludes, this stops the server.


We can enable/disable the caching to see performance difference.

{enabled} can be either true or false;


Returns everything stored in cache.


Clears the cache.

Technology/Framework used

  1. Nodejs
  2. NPM
  3. Chai
  4. Mocha
  5. Nock
  6. Nodemon
  7. Istanbul
  8. Async
  9. Hapi
  10. Hapi-Swagger
  11. Inert
  12. Joi
  13. Request
  14. Vision

Code Structure

Application has been laid out in a simple folder structure mimicing the use.

  |- src
  |  |- app.js            // Starting point of this application.
  |  |- server
  |  |  |- server.js      // Main module that manages the server, routes and basic handlers.
  |  |- api
  |  |  |- search.js      // Main focus of this exercise, thus in apis folder. All other endpoints are optional.
  |  |- helper
  |  |  |- allProducts.js // Static file that maintains the list of all the product codes available on data_file.csv
  |  |  |- config.js      // Configuraton file for providing correct URLs.
  |  |  |- product.js     // Critical module that fetches details about a product code. Used both in /search/{text} and /product/{item}
  |  |- routes
  |  |  |- routes.js      // Started to be a possible container for routing information, but abandoned for triviality of the use case. Still leaving here to highlight the possible use-case.
  |  |
  |- test
  |  | ---- All the files in this folder are created to test the corresponding file.


Response Times Analysis

With a random delay of var timeout = 400 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 1; milliseconds.

I revisited this delay today, looks like this was only helpful that one day when I ran the tests for the first time.

Response time:

Request Count:   1
Bytes Sent:      448		(headers:448; body:0)
Bytes Received:  223		(headers:195; body:28)

ClientConnected:	11:18:13.923
ClientBeginRequest:	11:24:20.748
GotRequestHeaders:	11:24:20.748
ClientDoneRequest:	11:24:20.748
Determine Gateway:	0ms
DNS Lookup: 		0ms
TCP/IP Connect:	0ms
HTTPS Handshake:	0ms
ServerConnected:	11:24:20.749
FiddlerBeginRequest:	11:24:20.749
ServerGotRequest:	11:24:20.749
ServerBeginResponse:	11:24:32.904
GotResponseHeaders:	11:24:32.904
ServerDoneResponse:	11:24:32.904
ClientBeginResponse:	11:24:32.904
ClientDoneResponse:	11:24:32.904

	Overall Elapsed:	0:00:12.155

RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
       ~headers~: 195
application/json: 28

With a static delay of var timeout = 100; milliseconds. This was the best delay I was able to identify.

Running on both my Mac host and Windows VM, 100 ms gave the best results with no 403s. I am running both the machines from behind a proxy.

Response time:

Request Count:   1
Bytes Sent:      448		(headers:448; body:0)
Bytes Received:  291		(headers:227; body:64)

ClientConnected:	11:32:49.223
ClientBeginRequest:	11:32:49.225
GotRequestHeaders:	11:32:49.225
ClientDoneRequest:	11:32:49.225
Determine Gateway:	0ms
DNS Lookup: 		0ms
TCP/IP Connect:	0ms
HTTPS Handshake:	0ms
ServerConnected:	11:32:49.226
FiddlerBeginRequest:	11:32:49.226
ServerGotRequest:	11:32:49.226
ServerBeginResponse:	11:32:53.823
GotResponseHeaders:	11:32:53.823
ServerDoneResponse:	11:32:53.823
ClientBeginResponse:	11:32:53.823
ClientDoneResponse:	11:32:53.823

	Overall Elapsed:	0:00:04.597

RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
       ~headers~: 227
application/json: 64

With a static delay of var timeout = 80; milliseconds.

Response time:

Request Count:   1
Bytes Sent:      448		(headers:448; body:0)
Bytes Received:  291		(headers:227; body:64)


NOTE: This request was retried after a Receive operation failed.

ClientConnected:	11:32:49.223
ClientBeginRequest:	11:41:57.340
GotRequestHeaders:	11:41:57.340
ClientDoneRequest:	11:41:57.340
Determine Gateway:	0ms
DNS Lookup: 		0ms
TCP/IP Connect:	0ms
HTTPS Handshake:	0ms
ServerConnected:	11:41:57.341
FiddlerBeginRequest:	11:41:57.341
ServerGotRequest:	11:41:57.341
ServerBeginResponse:	11:41:57.340
GotResponseHeaders:	11:42:01.167
ServerDoneResponse:	11:42:01.167
ClientBeginResponse:	11:42:01.167
ClientDoneResponse:	11:42:01.167

	Overall Elapsed:	0:00:03.827

RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
       ~headers~: 227
application/json: 64

With a static delay of var timeout = 70; milliseconds.

Response time:

Request Count:   1
Bytes Sent:      448		(headers:448; body:0)
Bytes Received:  291		(headers:227; body:64)

ClientConnected:	11:32:49.223
ClientBeginRequest:	11:48:30.215
GotRequestHeaders:	11:48:30.215
ClientDoneRequest:	11:48:30.215
Determine Gateway:	0ms
DNS Lookup: 		0ms
TCP/IP Connect:	0ms
HTTPS Handshake:	0ms
ServerConnected:	11:48:30.216
FiddlerBeginRequest:	11:48:30.216
ServerGotRequest:	11:48:30.216
ServerBeginResponse:	11:48:33.991
GotResponseHeaders:	11:48:33.991
ServerDoneResponse:	11:48:33.991
ClientBeginResponse:	11:48:33.991
ClientDoneResponse:	11:48:33.991

	Overall Elapsed:	0:00:03.776

RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
       ~headers~: 227
application/json: 64

With a static delay of less than 100 milliseconds threw:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2018 18:40:18 GMT
Retry-After: 1
Server: Mashery Proxy
X-Error-Detail-Header: Account Over Queries Per Second Limit
X-Mashery-Error-Code: ERR_403_DEVELOPER_OVER_QPS
Content-Length: 75
Connection: Close

{"errors":[{"code":403,"message":"Account Over Queries Per Second Limit"}]}

after every 12 requests or so.


No description, website, or topics provided.


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