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[getting started]

qi.zhang edited this page Dec 23, 2013 · 1 revision

Table of Contents

Getting Started with MayLoon Development

MayLoon project’s goal is to get android application executed on browser and web runtimes. Currently Chrome is the target browser and Tizen is the target web runtime. Please read the first couple of paragraphs of MayLoon prototype design to have a working understanding of the high level design of MayLoon. MayLoon is currently in CA (Concept Approval) process starting from mid April 2012.

Setup Development Environment

One can use any modern version of Windows or Linux as development host for MayLoon.

Install Eclipse

Install an Eclipse of version 3.6.0 onwards with Java perspective and PDT (Plugin Development Toolkit) installed.

Get MayLoon Source Code

The whole MayLoon project, including MayLoon runtime and some of the test applications, is maintained with git.

  • In order to have access to the git repository, please generate a pair of public-private keys as follows:
ssh-keygen -t rsa 

Note: If your working environment is windows, please download msysgit first, then you can run above ssh-keygen command in msysgit environment

  • Then logon to http://goto/itgit with your CCR user name and password, search for project "MayLoon" and request membership. Administrator of the project will receive an email notification of your request and process it. Upon approval of the request you will receive an email confirmation - now you are an official MayLoon team member!
  • Configure your email and public key (the one generated in previous step) in the "My Settings" tab.
  • After this, checkout MayLoon runtime project source from git repo
git clone ssh://<your CCR id>
  • You can also checkout a copy of the MayLoon porting tool source
git clone ssh://<your CCR id>
Refer to How to build MPT automatically if you want to built MPT yourself.

Please refer to this page for some general information on the TeamForge infrastructure -

Make sure your ssh version is correct, according to our experience, git clone will success on ubuntu 11.04+ version.

MayLoon runtime development

Install Java2Script Compiler

MayLoon uses Java2Script to convert Java code into JavaScript code. The official Java2Script plugin can be downloaded at download page. MayLoon also maintains a fork of Java2Script in its source tree. See this page for optional instructions on compiling the local Java2Script compiler. Prebuilt j2s plugin packages in placed under mayloo-runtime/j2s/. Please use the prebuilt packages instead of the official ones.

Follow the instructions listed on the official web to install. Refer to the User's Guide for detailed information. Restart Eclipse for the j2s plugin to take effect.

Build MayLoon Project

  1. Import the jsdroid project
  2. Enable Java2Script compiler on the jsdroid project
  3. Right click on the jsdroid project, and run it as Java2Script Application
  4. An android.core.Start.html will be generated for the project, launch it from chrome / chromium browser, with parameters "--allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security". Note that at least version 18 is required.
If you want to run mayloon chrome in ubuntu 64 device, please install ia32-libs first, or there will be library link error.