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[test] How to install and use MPT

qi.zhang edited this page Dec 23, 2013 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents

Environment Requirements:

  1. Ubuntu Linux or Windows PC
  2. Eclipse Classical 3.7.2 (Indigo SR2) with android ADT 21 or greater and JDT plugin installed ( Please separate eclipse environment with your mayloon runtime eclipse environment)
  3. MPT archive install package generated by autobuild system(
  4. Mayloon sdk zip file generated by autobuild system(
 1.  Please make sure the option "Build Automatically" in the "Project" submenu Eclipse is not enabled! 
    (There is a bug related to it, so please just follow this workaroud.)
 2.  If you encount a error as below shows: 
    (There is a bug related to it, it will be fixed in the near future.)
    "Description Resource Path Location Type An API baseline has not been set for the current workspace. Unknown Default API Baseline Problem".
    You should fix it by: Window -> Preferences -> Plug-In Development -> API Baselines | Missing API Baseline option, then set it to Ignore.

Install MPT from archive package

1. Open Eclipse IDE, Help-> Install New Software..., then click "Add..." button

2. Click Archive..., then select and OK

3. Install MPT feature as install normal eclipse plugin.

Set mayloon SDK location

Click Window->Preferences, Select Mayloon on the left tab, then set proper location of mayloon SDK (folder where is extracted) as following picture shows, then click Apply and OK button to apply your settings.


1. Import a android appliction to Eclipse (Take linpack application as an example)
2. Build Android application, make sure  a android application package is generated by ADT successfully.(see bin/linpack.apk)
3. In eclipse IDE, Select your application from Eclipse workbench, then click right mouse button.
You will see “Convert to Mayloon Application” as belows:

4. If everything is ok(need some luck:-) ), after convert to mayloon application, you will get a mayloon webruntime application as belows:

5. Finally, you can click "Run As" from popup menu, then click "Mayloon Application", then a [application].html file will be generated as the entry of converted web application, at last the start page can be viewed by desktop browser.

6. Open your desktop browser, input the generated start page, you will see what your expected:-)

Tizen package

If you want to run converted application in Tizen sdk, please follow steps below:

  1. Follow page to setup your tizen sdk environment, you may need to install some extra packages like JDK if they are not installed in your devices.
  2. Right click on converted project and select Run As->Mayloon Application
  3. Right click on project and then select Export...
  4. Expand Mayloon and select Export Mayloon Application and click Next as following shows:

     5.  Select project you want to export and click Finish, then a tizen project will be exported to mayloon_bin folder under your project folder.

     6.  Open Tizen SDK and import the tizen project generated in step 6

     7.  Build imported project, refresh project and a MayloonApp.wgt file will be generated

     8.  Right click on the project and click Run As->Tizen Web Simulator Application to run project in tizen sdk