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Add video playback with subtitles via "Universal Media Player" Unity plugin (based on VLC media player) #144

Add video playback with subtitles via "Universal Media Player" Unity plugin (based on VLC media player)

Add video playback with subtitles via "Universal Media Player" Unity plugin (based on VLC media player) #144

Workflow file for this run

# NOTE: Releases are not created in this repository!
# DLL builds are compiled/published as part of the releases for each game - please see each game's individual repository.
name: Build DLL
# Run this workflow on every push or pull request
name: Build DLL
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Note: This uses the mono bundled with Ubuntu to build the project
- name: Compile project
run: msbuild /p:Configuration=Release