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A mini project that automates sending my cv/resume and cover letter to companies and job recruiters en masse

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A mini-project that automates sending my cv/resume and cover letter to companies and job recruiters en masse.



  1. clone repository with git clone
  2. navigate to directory with and requirements.txt file
  3. run command; conda create -n <name of env e.g. auto-job-app-sender> python=3.11.4. Note that 3.11.4 must be the python version otherwise packages to be installed would not be compatible with a different python version
  4. once environment is created activate it by running command conda activate
  5. then run conda activate auto-job-app-sender
  6. check if pip is installed by running conda list -e and checking list
  7. if it is there then move to step 8, if not then install pip by typing conda install pip
  8. if pip exists or install is done run pip install -r requirements.txt in the directory you are currently in


  1. generate app password on your google account:
  2. to use it open the Mail app.
  3. Open the Settings menu.
  4. Select Accounts and then select your Google Account.
  5. Replace your password with the 16-character password shown above.
  6. Just like your normal password, this app password grants complete access to your Google Account. You won't need to remember it, so don't write it down or share it with
  7. use generated password for smtplib

Implemenation ideas:

  1. maybe instead of loop use multithreading or concurrent execution to deliver emails at faster speeds


This automated job application sender will consist of about three phases: sending automated cover letters and cvs/resumes to recruiter and HR emails, sending follow up letters about the applied position to the company after sending the cover letters and cvs/resumes to said companies through each recruiter and HRs emails, and lastly would be sending an "ask the recruiter" letter for inquiries if a certain role/position is available to the company.

Applications to be integrated:

  1. automated sender of cover letters and cvs/resumes about certain position in a company to recruiter and HR emails
  2. automated sender of follow up letters about applied position in a company to recruiters and HRs emails
  3. automated sender of letter of inquiry about certain position in a company to recruiter and HR emails
  4. web scraper of recruiter emails and addresses in linked in TBD
  5. Some ideas also that I can also implement will be to automate the manual process of filling up online forms on LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, Kalibrr, Jobyoda, Jobstreet, Foundit, and Company Websites. TBD

Automated cover letter and CV sender


  1. if you don't want to send cover letter and cv directly to emails use "localhost" for --host arg and 1025 for --port arg

Ideas: 1.


  1. for some reason long hyphen character in cover letter when read and then decoded gives error UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 2036: ordinal not in range(128). Solution was to replace it with a tilde ~ character.

Automated follow up letter sender

Ideas: Problems:

Automated letter of inquiry sender

Ideas: Problems:

Automated scraper of recruiter emails


  1. places where to find recruiter and HR emails: a. contacts section of website of company applied to b. LinkedIn profile of company applied to, see people and add every recruiter you can see, go to recuiters profile and extact email if any c. go to LinkedIn profile of recruiters, see their connections and add every recruiter you can see, then go to each of these recruiters profile and extract email if any

  2. keywords for potential recruiters are: "talent", "acquisition", "hiring", "recruitment"

  3. main app: a. use selenium webdriver and ChromDriverManager().install() a.

  4. identify if name is male or female through api. Below is an example of using the API and using a batch of names to process whether male or female which can be up to 10. Note that requests per day can be up to 1000 names/day

>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get('')
>>> response = requests.get('[]=larry&name[]=lalai')
>>> response.status_code
>>> response.json()
[{'count': 269573, 'name': 'larry', 'gender': 'male', 'probability': 1.0}, {'count': 24, 'name': 'lalai', 'gender': 'female', 'probability': 0.71}]
>>> response.headers
{'Server': 'nginx/1.16.1', 'Date': 'Fri, 29 Sep 2023 02:32:43 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length': '132', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true', 'access-control-allow-origin': '*', 'access-control-expose-headers': 'x-rate-limit-limit,x-rate-limit-remaining,x-rate-limit-reset', 'cache-control': 'max-age=0, private, must-revalidate', 'x-rate-limit-limit': '1000', 'x-rate-limit-remaining': '995', 'x-rate-limit-reset': '77237', 'x-request-id': 'F4k930HDta9MRfMVIdEx'}

note that if x-rate-limit-remaining is 0 then you must wait for x-rate-limit-reset to count down to zero since it represents the seconds left until a new set of x-rate-limit-remaining's is refreshed. 47505 seconds or 13 hours is the amount of time left until I can make requests again.

The headers also contain information about how much names we have left to process for a given time period. X-Rate-Limit-Limit is the amount of names available in current time window, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining is the number of names left in the current time window

SOme errors that we can handle are 401 unauthorized, 402 payment required, 422 unprocessable entity, 429 too many requests, a

To do:

  1. Because linked sent notice for suspicions of my using of automation tools like selenium, I'll have to go under for a while and just complete running the connection info scraper application next time, and collect all connection info. For now just merge what dataframes you have along the index, since both dataframes containing profile names and their respective emails, mobile num, and company name are all aligned by index.


  1. can't sign in in google account using webdriver. Possible solution:

ff. solutions do not work: a. edge_options.add_argument("--disable-web-security") edge_options.add_argument("--allow-running-insecure-content") edge_options.add_argument("--user-data-dir=C:/Users/Mig/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Profile 1")

b. turning off 2-factor authentication

c. tried turning on less secure apps but I've researched that google already has removed the option to allow connections from less secure apps starting from May 30 2022. That you have to enable 2-step verification on your Google account and generate an app password123 to use Google SMTP server or other third-party apps that require Google sign-in, which is a direct contradiction to solution b.

d. JavaScript is always turned on in my Edge browser

ff. are my error messages: [/] Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled. [/] File path C:\Users\Mig\AppData\Local\Temp\scoped_dir1308_592920665\Default

DevTools listening on ws:// [/] Every renderer should have at least one task provided by a primary task provider. If a "Renderer" fallback task is shown, it is a bug. If you have repro steps, please file a new bug and tag it as a dependency of [/] SmartScreenDnsResolver::OnComplete Error: -7 DidTimeOut: 1 URL: done! [/] Failed to create blob cache entry: -2

(gmail-automations) D:\Projects\To Github\auto-job-app-sender>[/] [18:49:18.305] Bluetooth: Getting Default Adapter failed.

e. kill all chrome or edge tasks and processes f. arg combinations: chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') chrome_options.add_argument("user-data-dir=C:/Users/Mig/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/") chrome_options.add_argument("profile-directory=Default")

chrome_options.add_experimental_option('detach', True)

g. solution combination was to use chrome, using chrome with my google account profile signed in, and killing all task processes

h. get number of last number of paginator to determine how many times you loop and use the driver to request these pages and then get the links then move on

i. so each page in paginator will eventually give out an error because an element that you select does not exist. Which basically kills all the chances that other profiles could even exist and yet is skipped unfortunately. Potential solution is to implement a fallback not to skip the current page in the paginator but to find the next element that could exist

j. selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 114 Current browser version is 119.0.6045.160 with binary path C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Stacktrace:


A mini project that automates sending my cv/resume and cover letter to companies and job recruiters en masse






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