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This is for people who want to use Scratch like other programming languages.


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Logo by MagicCrayon9342

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This is for people who want to use Scratch like other programming languages.

Also, a devlog is in the releases. If the version is not in the releases, then it's most likely at the bottom of this readme, at the old devlog.

Latest big updates

Started the compiler, can now compile variables, lists, and assets

The bug list

is at the very bottom. Look at that list before posting bugs.


This is an open-source project. Anyone can contribute. If there's anything discouraging you from contributing, let me know, and I'll try to fix it.

The Plan

This is mainly made in Python, but if you know languages like C, then you can make some stuff in that so people have many options to choose from.

Some .sb3 files are included in the resources folder, so you can test your comp/decomp scripts.

The compiler should read the project.ss1, write the project.json, and pack it and every asset into a .sb3, that can be played and edited in Scratch

Each sprite (including Stage) has an asset folder. The costumes and sound will go there. It also has a .ss1 file, which is where the code is.

A project.json is also included in the resources folder to help understand and reverse engineer how it's made. Although, there is pretty much nothing in it, so I recommend getting your own project.json

I'm programming the decompiler. First I'm going to program it to decompile all the global and stage-exclusive blocks, then sprite-exclusive blocks.


I am currently putting comments in my code so people understand it. So for some sections, you will have to guess what the code does. Sorry.


Right now the default decompiler is set to the Python version. If you want to use the Shell Script version, follow these steps.

  1. Run scratchlang, then press A to enable developer mode
  2. Press D to change the decompilation script.
  3. Press 1 to pick one of the included scripts, then press 2 to select Decompiler V2.

Also, I renamed the file extension to .ss1 because I am planning on having multiple formats.
ss1 Will be its own language Current
ss2 Will be similar to c
ss3 Python or javascript?

ss2 and ss1 won't be worked on anytime soon.

How to use

Download MSYS2 if you're on Windows.

Install dependencies (list below). Make sure you have pip installed as well, then install the requirements after cloning the repository. (command below.)

Clone the repo with

git clone
cd ScratchLang/mainscripts

Start the project with






Depending on which version of python you install.

If you create a scratchlang command, start the project wtih


If you want to test out the decompiler, run py -4 and select the .sb3 "every-block-+-pen.sb3" which is in the resources folder. You get to see it decompile all the blocks added so far.

To code, edit the .ss(es) in you favorite glorified text editor like VSC or Atom.
Or, you can use ScratchLang's custom editor :D

To add assets, put them in the "assets" folder for the chosen sprite (or stage)


One day I randomly decided to make an editor for ScratchLang. And here it is. It's not finished, but I'd still say it's kinda decent.

The editor is made completely in Python.

Edit in the custom editor

Start the editor with


You can even have the path to your project folder as the 1st argument to avoid the folder select screen and go straight to the editor.

Or you can run it with:

py --edit
# OR
scratchlang --edit

But you can't have a folder as an argument, it won't work.

Editor controls

  • Arrow keys: Move around
  • You can also click to place the mouse pointer.
  • ctrl+s: Save project
  • ctrl+/: Toggle line comment
  • caps lock: Caps lock. Duh!
  • tab: Insert a tab.
  • Page Up and Page Down: Quickly navigate through your code
  • F1: Open another folder or project.ss1
  • F2: New Sprite

Editor settings

You can go into the var/ directory and edit the 'editor_settings.yaml' file to change your settings.

Settings added so far:

  • tabsize: N - Set the tabsize to N
  • syntax_highlighting: True/False - Turn syntax highlighting on or off. Does not work yet.
  • show_cwd: True/False - Show or hide the current working directory.
  • theme: Dark/Light/Black/RGB - Theme can be dark, light, black, or you can customize the theme with tr, tg, and tb with RGB colors (listed below)
  • tr: N - Set RED to N
  • tg: N - Set GREEN to N
  • tb: N - Set BLUE to N
  • offsetX: N - Text cursor placement offset X
  • offsetY: N - Text cursor placement offset Y

You can also run (or py --calibrate) to set the offsets if the cursor placement is a little off.

Added Features so far

  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Scuffed quote and bracket auto-complete
  • Auto-indent
  • Dark, Light, and custom RGB themes
  • Click to place text cursor

Planned features

  • Project folder explorer




Download here, or you can go into the old_scripts directory and run ./ and input 7 to install zenity.

You also need these.

pacman -S python3 git bc unzip # bc is an optional dependency, so you don't have to install it.

Command Prompt/Powershell


Command Prompt and Powershell isn't recommened to run ScratchLang, but you can if you want. But if you have the ability to install MSYS2, then use that instead.
Anyway, I don't have a quick and easy way to install the dependencies. All I know is this:

Then, you need to enable ANSI escape codes (in order for things like color to work properly).

  • Press the Windows button and search for 'Registry Editor'
  • Click on 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER'
  • Click on 'Console'
  • Then click 'Edit > New > DWORD (32 bit) value'
  • Name the value 'VirtualTerminalLevel'
  • Then double click it and set the value to '1'

Now ANSI escape sequences should be enabled for Command Prompt/Powershell.

In order for the 'click to place text cursor' thing to work... well... sort of properly, you're going have to right click the window, click properties, then uncheck the 'Quick Edit Mode' box.

pip requirements

Once you've installed those, you'll need to install pip. (Most of the time pip is installed with Python, though.)
Then install the requirements.txt with:

pip install -r requirements.txt



sudo apt-get install -y zenity

You also need these.

sudo apt-get install -y python3
sudo apt-get install -y git
sudo apt-get install -y bc # Optional dependency, you can skip and it won't affect anything.
sudo apt-get install -y unzip

Once you've installed those, you'll need to install pip then install the requirements.txt with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Other Linux Distros

For any other distros, search it up. I'm not going to list the commands for every distro.

Please write down any dependencies I missed.


This is what people will do.


Program everything


I don't know what they're doing, I think they quit


They quit :/ Goodbye


Develop the Documentation website

ScratchLang Language

ScratchLang's language is called ScratchScript.

ScratchScript blocks

\nscript - (Tells the compiler that it's a new script. Or maybe we could get rid of this and just detect for hat blocks.)
\prep - (Everything below this [until the next instance of \nscript] is used for compiling the .json)
list: foo="item1", "item2", "item3", etc - (For an empty list, just add a comma after the equal sign.)
broadcast: broadcastexample - (Define a broadcast. The brackets tell the program that it is not defining a variable or a list.)
var: foo=string - (Define a variable)
//!<TYPE> - (Use sha-bangs after a block to set the block type to the desired one if it's not right. For example, replace <TYPE> with 'looks' to make it a looks block. This also changes the syntax highlighting in the editor.)


  • //!looks
  • //!var
  • //!list
  • //!events
  • //!sound
  • //!control
  • //!sensing
  • //!operators
  • //!pen
  • //!motion

Compiler V1

So far it can compile lists, variables, broadcasts, and add the assets.
Then it packs the assets into a file called 'project.sb3' which is in the 'exports' folder. There is also a folder named 'a' which is for debugging purposes, but it is the contents of the .sb3 before it gets archived.

If you want to compile multiple projects, then you'll have to delete/move the 'a' folder and the 'project.sb3' to somewhere else, or else the script will give an error saying the directory/file already exists.

Decompiler Python V1

Vanilla Scratch Blocks

What I'm counting as Vanilla Scratch Blocks:
Normal Blocks
Custom Blocks

Added blocks

84/86 Stage Blocks + Pen | 97.67% Done Only Custom Blocks left!
132/134 Every Block + Pen | 98.51% Done Only Custom Blocks left!

Write every block in the order they are defined.

Remember, quotes tell the compiler that it is not a variable. If you want to put in a variable, don't put quotation marks. Example:

switch backdrop to ("i") # 'i' is registered as a string

switch backdrop to (i) # 'i' is registered as a variable

Also, the compiler can't tell the difference between a string and an input (like a variable) yet. So most inputs have quotation marks.

When a block has brackets '[ ]' it means that there cannot be a variable in there. It's either a defined object or an object from a set list.

Buggy Blocks

None yet.

Stable blocks

Every block is added, except custom blocks.


Lots, because It's not finished.

Blocks to Add

Too lazy to make a "Blocks to Add" list :/

Decompiler V2 Blocks

Vanilla Scratch Blocks (V2)

Added blocks (V2)

39/90 Stage Blocks + Pen | 43.33% Done
39/141 Every Block + Pen | 27.66% Done

Write every block in the order they are defined.

Remember, quotes tell the compiler that it is not a variable. If you want to put in a variable, don't put quotation marks.
Also, the compiler can't tell the difference between a string and an input (like a variable) yet. So most inputs have quotation marks.

Brackets means that there cannot be a variable in there. It's either a defined object or an object from a set list.

Buggy Blocks (V2)

None yet.

Stable blocks (V2)

var=string - (Define [or set] a variable)
list=item1,item2,item3,etc - (Overwrites anything in a list to the items listed. No spaces and for an empty list, just add a comma after the equal sign.)
move ("num") steps (Move an amount of steps.)
wait ("num") seconds - (Wait for an amount of seconds.)
switch backdrop to ("backdrop") - (Changes backdrop.)
switch backdrop to ("backdrop") and wait - (Changes backdrop and waits.)
next backdrop - (Changes backdrop by 1.)
change [EFFECT #has to be in caps] effect by ("num") - (Change an effect by an amount.)
set [EFFECT] effect to ("num") - (Sets an effect to an amount.)
clear graphic effects - (Clears all effects applied to the stage or sprite.)
(backdrop [number/name]) - (Reports the number or name of the backdrop.)
play sound ("sound") until done - (Play a sound until done.) start sound ("sound") - (Start a sound.)
stop all sounds (Stop all sounds.)
change [EFFECT] effect by ("num") (Change an effect by an amount.)
set [EFFECT] effect to ("num") - (Sets an effect to an amount.)
clear sound effects - (Clear sound effects.)
change volume by ("num") - (Change the volume by an amount.)
set volume to ("num") % - (Set the volume to an amount.)
(volume) - (Reports the volume.)
when flag clicked - (When green flag clicked.)
when [key] key pressed - (Runs the script when a certain key is pressed.)
when stage clicked - (Runs the script when the stage is clicked.)
when backdrop switches to [backdrop] - (Runs the script when the stage changes to a certain backdrop.)
when [THING] > ("num")
when i receive [broadcast] - (Runs the script when a certain message is broadcasted.)
repeat (num) {

} - (Repeat everything in the braces for (num) times.)
forever {

} - (Repeat everything in the braces forever.)
if <INPUT> then {

} - (If <INPUT> is true, then run everything in the braces.)

<(num1) = (num2)> - (Reports true if num1 equals num2.)
<(num1) > (num2)> - (Reports true if num1 is greater than num2.)
<(num1) < (num2)> - (Reports true if num1 is less than num2.)
<<1> and <2>> - (Reports true if both statement 1 and 2 report true.)
<<1> or <2>> - (Reports true if either statement report true.)
<not <1>> - (Reports true if statement 1 is false.)

if <INPUT> then {
} else {
} - (If <INPUT> is true, run the stuff above the else. If it is not, run the stuff below the else.)
wait until <INPUT> - (Pause the script until <INPUT> is true.)
repeat until <INPUT> {
} - (Repeat everything in the braces until <INPUT> is true.)

while <INPUT> {

} - (Repeat everything in the braces while <INPUT> is true. Stop when it is false.)

Limitations (V2)

The decompiler cannot decompile boolean blocks ( <> blocks) which are inside other ones. You can't have variables or any round block as inputs yet.

Blocks to Add (V2)

turn cw () deg
turn ccw () deg
go to ()
go to x () y ()
glide () secs to ()
glide () secs to x () y ()
point in direction ()
point towards ()
change x by () set x to ()
change y by ()
set y to ()
if on edge, bounce
set rotation style []
(x position)
(y position)

say () for () seconds
say ()
think () for () seconds
think ()
switch costume to ()
next costume
change size by ()
set size to ()
go to [] layer
go [] () layers
(costume [])

for each [] in () {


stop []
when i start as a clone
create clone of ()
delete this clone

<touching ()>
<touching color (#hex)>
<color (#hex) is touching (#hex)>
(distance to ())
ask () and wait
<key () pressed?>
<mouse down?>
(mouse x)
(mouse y)
set drag mode []
reset timer
([] of ())
(current [])
(days since 2000)

(() + ())
(() - ())
(() * ())
(() / ())
(pick random () to ())
(join ()())
(letter () of ())
(length of ())
<() contains ()?>
(() mod ())
(round ())
([] of ()) #abs of block

(my variable)
change [] by ()
show variable []
hide variable []
(my list)
add () to []
delete () of []
delete all of []
insert () at () of []
replace item () of [] with ()
(item () of [])
(item # of () in [])
(length of [])
<[] contains ()?> #list contains block show list []
hide list []

def example {


def example -sr { #run without screen refresh


pen|erase all
pen|pen down
pen|pen up
pen|set pen color to (#hex)
pen|change pen () by ()
pen|set pen () to ()
pen|change pen size by ()
pen|set pen size to ()

Decompiler V1 Blocks

V1 is officialy deprecated. Please use the latest version of the decompiler.

Vanilla Scratch Blocks (V1)

Added blocks (V1)

25/90 Stage Blocks + Pen | 27.78% Done
25/141 Every Block + Pen | 17.73% Done

Write every block in the order they are defined.

Remember, quotes tell the compiler that it is not a variable. If you want to put in a variable, don't put quotation marks.
Also, the compiler can't tell the difference between a string and a boolean/variable yet. So most number inputs have no quotation marks.

Brackets means that there cannot be a variable in there. It's either a defined object or an object from a set list.

Very buggy blocks

repeat ("num") {

} - (Repeat everything in the braces for (num) times.)

forever {
} - (Repeat everything in the braces forever.)

Stable blocks (V1)

var=string - (Define [or set] a variable)
list=item1,item2,item3,etc - (No spaces, and for an empty list, just add a comma after the equal sign.)
move ("num") steps (Move an amount of steps.)
wait ("num") seconds - (Wait for an amount of seconds.)
switch backdrop to ("backdrop") - (Changes backdrop.)
switch backdrop to ("backdrop") and wait - (Changes backdrop and waits.)
next backdrop - (Changes backdrop by 1.) change [EFFECT #has to be in caps] effect by ("num") - (Change an effect by an amount.)
set [EFFECT] effect to ("num") - (Sets an effect to an amount.)
clear graphic effects - (Clears all effects applied to the stage or sprite.)
(backdrop [number/name]) - (Reports the number or name of the backdrop.)
play sound ("sound") until done - (Play a sound until done.) start sound ("sound") - (Start a sound.)
stop all sounds (Stop all sounds.)
change [EFFECT] effect by ("num") (Change an effect by an amount.)
set [EFFECT] effect to ("num") - (Sets an effect to an amount.)
clear sound effects - (Clear sound effects.)
change volume by ("num") - (Change the volume by an amount.)
set volume to ("num") % - (Set the volume to an amount.)
(volume) - (Reports the volume.)
when flag clicked - (When green flag clicked.)
when [key] key pressed - (Runs the script when a certain key is pressed.)
when stage clicked - (Runs the script when the stage is clicked.)
when backdrop switches to [backdrop] - (Runs the script when the stage changes to a certain backdrop.)
when [THING] > ("num")
when i receive [broadcast] - (Runs the script when a certain message is broadcasted.)

Blocks to Add (V1)

turn cw () deg
turn ccw () deg
go to ()
go to x () y ()
glide () secs to ()
glide () secs to x () y ()
point in direction ()
point towards ()
change x by () set x to ()
change y by ()
set y to ()
if on edge, bounce
set rotation style []
(x position)
(y position)

say () for () seconds
say ()
think () for () seconds
think ()
switch costume to ()
next costume
change size by ()
set size to ()
go to [] layer
go [] () layers
(costume [])

if <> then {


if <> then {

else {


wait until <>
repeat until <> {


while <> {


for each [] in () {


stop []
when i start as a clone
create clone of ()
delete this clone

<touching ()>
<touching color (#hex)>
<color (#hex) is touching (#hex)>
(distance to ())
ask () and wait
<key () pressed?>
<mouse down?>
(mouse x)
(mouse y)
set drag mode []
reset timer
([] of ())
(current [])
(days since 2000)

(() + ())
(() - ())
(() * ())
(() / ())
(pick random () to ())
<() > ()>
<() < ()>
<() = ()>
<<> and <>>
<<> or <>>
<not <>>
(join ()())
(letter () of ())
(length of ())
<() contains ()?>
(() mod ())
(round ())
([] of ()) #abs of block

(my variable)
change [] by ()
show variable []
hide variable []
(my list)
add () to []
delete () of []
delete all of []
insert () at () of []
replace item () of [] with ()
(item () of [])
(item # of () in [])
(length of [])
<[] contains ()?> #list contains block show list []
hide list []

def example {


def example -sr { #run without screen refresh


pen|erase all
pen|pen down
pen|pen up
pen|set pen color to (#hex)
pen|change pen () by ()
pen|set pen () to ()
pen|change pen size by ()
pen|set pen size to ()


Variable or List taking a very long time to decompile?

The variable or list is probably long.

Decompiler is hanging or is outputting random junk

The decompiler is not complete yet, which means stuff like that may happen.

Decompiler takes a really long time to indent

Your .ss1 file is probably big.

Clicking to place the text cursor in the editor is not accurate

Run (or py --calibrate) to hopefully fix that issue.


V1 Decomp Bugs (This version is deprecated.)

  • Load broadcasts even if there are none. (Try decompiling decompilertest.sb3 which is in the resources folder.)

V2 Decomp Bugs

  • Sometimes (in the project.json) when decompiling a "switch backdrop to" block, the backdrop name is replaced with a number, causing some bugs.

  • Sometimes blocks don't compile at the right place if it's after a c-block.

Python V1 Bugs

  • Some decompilation bugs, too lazy to list.

ScratchLang Screenshot


W.I.P. Editor



The devlog will be in the Releases section from now on. Format: MM.DD.YY - VERSION

11.10.22 - 0.6.84p

  • Started editor, and other things.

11.3.22 - 0.6.83p

  • ScratchLang is not almost 100% Python.

10.??.22 - 0.6.82p

  • Forgot to make a devlog for this day, so I forgot what I added in this version

10.29.22 - 0.6.81p

  • Added some more blocks to the python port.

10.28.22 - 0.6.8p

  • Added some blocks to the python port.

10.27.22 - 0.6.84a

  • Started the Python port.

10.24.22 - 0.6.83a

  • Using shellcheck, I optimized the scripts to go faster.

10.19.22 - 0.6.82a

  • repeat until block added.

  • while block added.

10.13.22 - 0.6.81a

  • wait until <> block added.

10.12.22 - 0.6.8a

  • If/elses inside if/elses work perfectly.

10.11.22 - 0.6.71a

  • Nothing major, forgot what I added.

10.10.22 - 0.6.7a

  • Added a Devlog :)

  • added if/else blocks and not operator