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  # run with: g++ main.cpp -std=c++17 -pthread && ./a.out

                # ############################################################# #
                # Game Idea:                                                    #
                # 1. Turn-based                                                 #
                # 2. player have hp, armor, attack, coins, and crit-chance      #
                #   I. equipments maybe added in the later version.             #
                # 3. player have choice of path to take on the map.             #
                #   I. "?" represnt random events.                              #
                #   II. "X" represent enermy encounter.                         #
                #   III. "R" represents resting area (restore hp).              #
                #   IV. "$" represent shop. (purchase stat points).             #
                # 4. control are simply just number keys:                       #
                #   I. May include keys for checking stats.                     #
                #   II. If equipment is added, need a key for inventory access. #
                #   III. Ability to save game data.(Shortcut key to save data)  #
                #   IV. May add in Text-log functionality.                      #
                # ############################################################# #

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IN-PROGRESS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


NAV for game menu

- Num key 1-3 to pick options
- '<' or ',' to navigate up
- '>' or '.' to navigate down

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1. New Game - creates a save file in .txt to the ./savegame folder.
2. Load Game - loads progress from ./savegame folder.
3. Setting - supposely can change the style/color of game.
4. Exit - exits program with exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

New Game:

- Prompts to enter a new save game name to create new save in ./savegame folder.
- Name must be between 1 and 14 length characters.
- Name must not be already existing in the ./savegame folder.
- Name your character

ezgif com-gif-maker

Load Game Menu:

- '<' or ',' and '>' or '.' to navigate through the list of saved progress.
- Loads progress from save file in ./savegame folder.
  * !!- Currently only loads player data. -!!
- Things to Optimize:
  * Order of savefile being listed is not in order, need a way to sort it by date.

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- This functionality is not available as of now.
  * The settings that I'm thinking to manipulate is the color/theme of the game.

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Attribute Assign:

- Assigns attribute points from leveling to the player.
  * Stats points weight still need to be balanced.
    ; Right now for testing critC is +1 for every attribute points to balance starting AP
      will be adjusted to 0.01 and every attribute points added to critC will +0.01 to
      base critC.

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Game Design and Concept:


- Design:
  1. Frame of the game will be with "#", empty backgrounds will be ' '.
  2. Might use ansi escape code to manipulate the row and colum of to write on the
    terminal inorder to better lower the refresh frame.
    - "\033[#;#H" or "\033[#;#f" might not work as expected, it moves the cursor 
      to the desired position however also clears everything after it.
  3. need a better way to edit the screen output.
    - save the output into a 2d dynamic array or vector and edit the output that 
      way (mostlikely vector);
      1. ability to add little decoration ascii art into the output.
      2. ability to put entities onto the output.
        * entities/paths '$'=Shop 'player'=Player 'X'=EnermyEncounter 'R'=RestArea
  4. UI, such as:
    - keybind hints
    - character status and inventory menu and UI icon. Example:

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 5 31 21 PM

    - Keybind to select path to take will simply be ',' or '<' and '>' or '.'
      or numkey 1/2/3/4 to select the path.
    - keybind to access UI stuff can be toggled by pressing a key; '/' or 'i'
      * navigating using ',' , and '.' keys
  5. Battle Screen with enermy encounter with 'X' path (will need another symbol to
     represent boss encounter).
  6. Shop screen with '$' path
  7. Random encounter screen with '?' path.
  8. Rest screen with 'R' path.
- Concept:
  1. Level based
    - passing any station will result in enermy encounter difficulty to increase
      by a small amount:
      (possibly: exp += 2^(level station passed/2) + level station passed).
    - defeating boss encounter will increase difficulty by extra amount 
    (possibly: exp += 2^(level station passed/2) + level station passed * 2).
  2. Exp Reward
    - defeating a enermy encounter will grants 
      (possibly: exp += 2^(enermyLevel / 2) + level station passed)
  3. Exp needed will increase by:
    - previous exp needed = previousEXPneed * 1.5
  4. May add in grinding levels, help player to pass current level station.
  5. if player dies in any event, the game will not be over:
    - penalty:
      * loss of experience and money?


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