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A repository for my final project in "Programming paradigms" course, at Universität Passau, summersemester 2023.

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C tiny programming paradigm project

project instructions

  1. (20 points) Write the EBNF style grammar for Tiny and Implement a parser for this grammar (should check for valid programs).

My EBNF style grammar is described in the file . You should read the full file first so as to get insights on Ctiny as well as my notations and design choices.

To run the parser for syntax error and invalid program detection, use the following command: cargo run -- -p syntax-and-ast-parsing -f <file.ctiny>. This also works with -d <dir/**/*.ctiny> for parsing a full directory.

  1. (30 points) Implement a static type system to check for Overflows (integer and buffer). The input for your implementation would be a program written in Tiny and the output should dictate integer overflows or buffer overflows (if there is any in the input program).

To run the interpreter for overflow checking and other runtime error detection, use the following command: cargo run -- -p syntax-ast-and-interpretation <file.ctiny>. This also works with -d <dir/**/*.ctiny> for parsing a full directory.


To run developer commands on the project root, you should install a rust compiler and tool chain. Follow instructions here. It's one command on linux.

NOTE: In case you don't want to install Rust, you can use the compiled release directly. Replace cargo run --, with ./ctiny_interpreter instead in the following commands. Go to the example section for live examples.

run program

cargo run -- -h: display command line help

Usage: tiny_ebnf_grammar_parser [OPTIONS]

  -f, --files <FILES>              File path to input files
  -d, --directories <DIRECTORIES>  The directory containing the input files
  -p, --pipeline <PIPELINE>        The pipeline to run [default: syntax-and-ast-parsing] [possible values: syntax-and-ast-parsing, syntax-ast-and-interpretation]
      --display-ast                whether to print the AST or not
  -h, --help                       Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                    Print version

cargo run -- -p syntax-and-ast-parsing -f res/building_grammar/example_1.ctiny: run syntax-parsing (including AST building) pipeline on provided .ctiny file.

cargo run -- -p syntax-ast-and-interpretation -d res/invalid/: run syntax-parsing, AST and interpretation (for overflow checking) pipeline on all .ctiny files inside the provided directory and sub-directories.


cargo test: run all test (stdout is captured, i.e. not displayed). Hundred of tests are ensuring the quality of the code and handling of corner cases.

test result: ok. 261 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.02s

cargo test -- --nocapture: run tests without capturing stdout. Since it can be messy, prefer to use --nocapture while running only a specific test.

cargo test test_function_call -- --nocapture: run a specific test called test_function_call and displays its stdout.

Execution example of test files

The res/ directory contains some example programs for illustrations. But you can find more precise corner cases inside src/tests, which contains 250+ tests.

Run interpreter on valid programs
 ❮onyr ★ kenzael❯ ❮ctiny_programing_paradigm_project❯❯ ./ctiny_interpreter -p syntax-ast-and-interpretation -d res/valid/
Loading .env file... Initializing logger... [2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::params]  🚀 starting program...
Pipeline: SyntaxASTAndInterpretation
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/valid/valid_program_c.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file valid_program_c.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] )Program return value: 30 (Int)
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/valid/valid_program_a.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file valid_program_a.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] )Program return value: 0 (Int)
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/valid/valid_program_d.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file valid_program_d.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] )Program return value: 9 (Int)
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/valid/valid_program_e.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file valid_program_e.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] )Program return value: 55 (Int)
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/valid/valid_program_b.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file valid_program_b.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:36:14 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] )Program return value: 0 (Int)
Run parser on invalid program
 ❮onyr ★ kenzael❯ ❮ctiny_programing_paradigm_project❯❯ ./ctiny_interpreter -p syntax-and-ast-parsing -d res/invalid_syntax/
Loading .env file... Initializing logger... [2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::params]  🚀 starting program...
Pipeline: SyntaxAndASTParsing
[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_syntax/invalid_program_a.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Syntax Parsing ERROR: 
  --> 6:5
6 |     char c; //error: declaration must be at the beginning
  |     ^---
  = expected function_return or statement

[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_syntax/invalid_program_c.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Syntax Parsing ERROR: 
  --> 6:5
6 |     int a; // error: definition not allowed after assignment
  |     ^---
  = expected function_return or statement

[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_syntax/invalid_program_e.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Syntax Parsing ERROR: 
  --> 8:1
8 | } // error: missing return
  | ^---
  = expected function_return or statement

[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_syntax/invalid_program_d.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Syntax Parsing ERROR: 
  --> 1:1
1 | int x; // error: global not allowed
  | ^---
  = expected translation_unit

[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_syntax/invalid_program_b.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:39:02 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Syntax Parsing ERROR: 
  --> 2:5
2 |     int a = 2; // error: declaration should be in next lines
  |     ^---
  = expected function_return, multi_declaration, or statement
Run interpreter on runtime error programs
 ❮onyr ★ kenzael❯ ❮ctiny_programing_paradigm_project❯❯ ./ctiny_interpreter -p syntax-ast-and-interpretation -d res/invalid_runtime
Loading .env file... Initializing logger... [2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::params]  🚀 starting program...
Pipeline: SyntaxASTAndInterpretation
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_runtime/runtime_error_a.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file runtime_error_a.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Interpretation ERROR: 
  --> 6:9
6 |     b = a; // runtime error: implicit conversion from int to char causing overflow
  |         ^
  = 🔴 [Semantic error] Int literal out of range for char: 32767

[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_runtime/runtime_error_d.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file runtime_error_d.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Interpretation ERROR: 
  --> 1:1
1 | a
  | ^
  = 🔴 [Semantic error] Variable a has not been assigned a value.

[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_runtime/runtime_error_b.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file runtime_error_b.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Interpretation ERROR: 
  --> 1:1
1 | a
  | ^
  = 🔴 [Semantic error] Array a has not been assigned a value at index 0.

[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_runtime/runtime_error_e.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file runtime_error_e.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Interpretation ERROR: 
  --> 9:9
9 |     x = foo(1, 'a', 3, 4); // runtime error: foo has too many arguments
  |         ^---------------^
  = 🔴 [Semantic error] Expected 3 arguments, got 4 for function foo

[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Parsing file: res/invalid_runtime/runtime_error_c.ctiny
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][INFO ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] Syntax Parsing successful for file runtime_error_c.ctiny!
[2023-07-27T17:41:56 UTC][ERROR ctiny_interpreter::pipelines] 🚧 Interpretation ERROR: 
  --> 7:5
7 |     while(i > 0) {
  | ...
9 |     }␊
  |     ^
  = 🔴 [Semantic error] Maximum number of loop iteration reached (max: 1000).


A repository for my final project in "Programming paradigms" course, at Universität Passau, summersemester 2023.






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