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Releases: 0x1000000/SqExpress


09 Jun 23:04
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New Features

  • Retrieving of database tables metadata + comparison
  • MERGE expression builder
  • Table Value Functions
  • All aggregate functions now can be used with OVER(...)
  • SqDatabase can query IAsyncEnumerable<ISqRecord> (for .Net 6)
  • SqDatabase supports async version for all I/O operation (for .Net 6)
  • expr.SyntaxTree().ModifyDescendants(modifier) new method that returns object of the same type.
  • arguments of OR and AND operators now can be nullable (for .Net 6)
  • DateDiff function + polyfills for Postgresql and MySql
  • GetParentTables() for TableBase()

Breaking Changes

  • Values Constructor in MYSQL now is implemented through UNION ALL
  • .Net Framework is not supported anymore, however, .Net Standard 2.0 is still supported
  • .Net less than 6 now use .Net Standard 2.0 which does not have some functions
  • SyntaxTreeActions structure now has a generic parameter


29 May 03:28
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  • Retrieving of database tables metadata + comparison
  • Table Value Functions


04 Nov 17:11
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New Features

  • Retrieving of database tables metadata + comparison (works only for MS SQL so far)
  • MERGE expression builder

Breaking Changes

  • Values Constructor in MYSQL now is implemented through UNION ALL
  • .Net Framework is not supported anymore, however, .Net Standard 2.0 is still supported


03 Nov 01:53
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  • Bitwise operators (Warning! C# operator precedence is used)


31 Jul 13:24
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New Features

  • CTE (see
  • SqQueryBuilder.ValueQuery(...) - It allows using a sub-query as a value (e.g. in boolean expressions or a column)
  • Powershell commandlets Gen-Tables and Gen-Models in Package Manager Console
  • Syntax Tree WalkThrough method has a new overload with a link to parent node
  • SqModels now have new methods: GetColumnsWithPrefix, ReadWithPrefix, IsNull, IsNullWithPrefix

Breaking Changes

  • Concat helper was renamed to Combine (to avoid a conflict with Linq)


10 Jul 18:26
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New Features

  • Support of DateTimeOffset
  • InsertInto(t, c1, c2, ...).Values(v1,v2,..).Values(v1,v2,..)...DoneWithValues()


  • StackOverflow on recursive foreign keys


30 Apr 09:34
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New Features

  • Cancellation Token for all db calls
  • Code-gen can be used with .Net 5 and 6 runtimes


25 Jan 19:50
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New Features

  • the DTO code-generator now has a parameter that allows generating C# records: --model-type ImmutableClass|Record or <SqModelGenType>ImmutableClass|Record</SqModelGenType>;
  • "CheckExistenceBy" in the Insert data builder what adds WHERE EXISTS(...) to a Insert source to avoid duplicates inserting;
  • ExistsIn<TTable>(..predicate..) ... - Helper that returns boolean expression EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM TTable WHERE ..Predicate..)
  • QueryPage extension for OffsetFetch queries.


  • When some column(s) in values constructor contains only nulls, sqexpress now adds an explicit type cast for the first cell e.g. CAST(NULL as int)
  • MergeDataInto now allows only keys mapping unless WhenMatchThenUpdate is defined (without additional updates)
  • Derived tables now can have 0 declared columns


26 Oct 08:55
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New Features

  • "ReadAsString(recordReader:ISqDataRecordReader): string" and "FromString(value: string?): ExprLiteral" are added to TableColumn. They allow performing mass export/import of database data.
  • Lt Gt operators overload between columns
  • ColumnMeta is public now
  • Identity Insert
  • SqModelSelectBuilder - Fluent API that allows quickly get a tuple of DTO SqModels from tables join
  • Column method "Read" now has an overload that receives an ordinal index
  • "ReadOrdinal" was added to ISqModelReader
  • ThenBy for ExprOrderItem andExprOrderBy
  • ISqDatabase has a new overload for Query which receives an asynchronous record handler
  • Build targets to run model code-generation
  • new option "--clean-output" for the model code-generation tool

Breaking Changes

  • ISqModelDerivedReaderReader was removed. ISqModelReader was slightly changed;
  • CodeGenUtil - typo fixed in parameter "-v quiet"


24 Sep 08:12
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New Features

  • "MERGE" polyfill for PostgreSql and MYSQL
  • ISqModelReader;ISqModelUpdater (--rw-classes key in the code-generation utility)
  • SqModel for temporary and derived tables
  • Keep class modifiers in the code generation
  • New expression modifiers: AddOrderBy, AddOffsetFetch, JoinAsAnd, JoinAsOr
  • New query extension: QueryDictionary
  • ISqDatabase.BeginTransactionOrUseExisting(out bool isNewTransaction);
  • SyntaxTree().Descendants(); SyntaxTree().DescendantsAndSelf();
  • UpdateData builder

Bug Fix

  • ISqDatabase.BeginTransaction now does not throw an exception if connection was not opened (it is automatically opened on the first request)
  • Duplicates in model code-generation when one model is used for several tables

Breaking Changes

  • Some new methods were added in some public interfaces, so if you have own implementations then they need to be extended.