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CI #15

Workflow file for this run

# the workflow syntax is described at:
name: CI
on: # when this workflow should be triggered
workflow_dispatch: # allows triggering a more exhaustive battery of tests manually
shell: bash # scripts should use bash on all OS-es
if: true # the job can be disabled from here
matrix: # run a separate jub for all combinations of the following variables
node-version: [22]
# it should typically be enough to build the web app on macOS
# but allow building it on three platforms if the workflow is triggered manually
os: ${{ fromJSON(github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' && '["macos-latest"]' ||
'["ubuntu-latest","windows-latest","macos-latest"]') }}
fail-fast: false # don't stop all of the jobs when one of them fails
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# webpack.common.cjs uses 'git describe --tags --abbrev=0' to get the latest tag
# but checkout only does a shallow clone by default and the tags are not available
# fetch-tags: true is supposed to fetch the tags without a full clone, but doesn't work ?
fetch-depth: 0 # do a full clone instead. for now it doesn't seem to be any slower
- name: use node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
# cache the downloaded node version and the package dependencies
# it doesn't seem to make it faster for now, disabled
#cache: npm
#cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- name: config script setup
run: |
cp config.js.example config.js
cp config-install.js.example config-install.js
mkdir ../dev ../prod
# webpack's schema requires absolute paths for the output paths
# macOS uses BSD sed instead of GNU sed on linux/windows. this works for both:
sed -i'.bak' -e "s#dev_path:.*#dev_path: '$(realpath ../dev)',#" config-install.js
sed -i'.bak' -e "s#prod_path:.*#prod_path: '$(realpath ../prod)',#" config-install.js
cat config-install.js
- name: install deps
# could use npm ci instead, but this is more consistent with the build instructions in the README
run: npm install
- name: build dev
run: npm run build
if: github.event_name != 'push'
- name: build prod
run: npm run deploy
- name: run tests
run: npm test
if: true # the job can be disabled from here
matrix: # run a separate jub for all combinations of the following variables
# it should typically be enough to run the console tests on macOS
# but allow them to run on three platforms if the workflow is triggered manually
os: ${{ fromJSON(github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' && '["macos-latest"]' ||
'["ubuntu-latest","windows-latest","macos-latest"]') }}
fail-fast: false # don't stop all of the jobs when one of them fails
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: install bun
uses: oven-sh/setup-bun@v1
- name: install deps
run: bun install --production # a bit faster than npm i/ci, except on windows
- name: config script setup
run: |
cp config.js.example config.js
# custom console tools will often be run from outside the source tree
# so by default the config assumes that sitrec's root is "./sitrec/"
mv ./test/console/test.js ../
# note: by default, without remapping imports, bun uses the three.js version from package-lock.json
- name: run console test
run: cd ../ && bun test.js
- name: run tests
# jsdom does not work with bun, so skip tests whose name contains 'jsdom'
run: cd tests && bun test -t "^((?!jsdom).)*$"